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The Dutch Sucker team are REAL STAND UP GUYS...NOT!
Jailing is not an appropriate punishment for terrorism, THE DEATH PENALTY IS!!!
The families of the Mad Dog Perps should be on the line for money to replace the bus that was ruined AND to pay for any medical care that was needed for the passengers and the driver. There's all that oil money those guys get from us. Pay to play!
Islamophobia is actually Islamoreality. The answer is obvious. Deport all the Muslims. Result = no Islamophobia!
Deport the Muslims...end of problem! Lord God, please hear my prayer. The Islamic terrorists should all get leprosy NOW.
And now they are bringing 2000 Syrians into the USA. No doubt they will be on welfare just like the Boston Massacre family!
Islamophobia is ISLAMOREALITY! If you refuse to recognize the beasts, the beasts win. Get real! Islam is the beast.
The death penalty is the only fair penalty for behavior like this. Jail is much too good an atmosphere for this kind of sadistic mad dog.
Consider destroying the mosques. That would be a big help.
If Ben Gurian were alive, 50 Lebanese soldiers would have met their maker. Wake up, Israel!
He should go be a Chaplain in Pakistan or Afghanistan. We don't need him in this country. We have moral values here. He only brings demonic values with him.
Does Creedmore have space for this nut job?
Many Arab Muslims have Jewish lineage...which obviously makes them dogs and pigs (according to their own koran).
God Bless You, Bibi! You are THE MAN! not obama, not olmert, ONLY YOU!
Islamophobia is a healthy response to the Muslim terrorists. Are there ANY Muslims who aren't terrorists? Are there ANY Muslims who do NOT support the terrorists. I don't think so. Islamophobia is keeps you safe.
Barack Obama knows how to win elections. Unfortunately, he does not know how to govern. He seems driven to trust the dangerous unworthy leaders of the world. My guess is they remind him of his disloyal father. Hard to fight your psychology!
Instead of catering his meals, dismember his limbs just like he and his brother did to the innocents at the Boston Marathon.
The government should remove those children from their mad dog parents. What parent would allow this to happen to their child? I'll tell you...parents who belong in places like Creedmoor!
Apparently, some Bostonians didn't learn anything from the Boston Marathon tragedy. Muslim savages maimed and murdered innocent Bostonians. HELLO!!!
Muslim prisoners are always complaining and whining. When they are free, they are always raping, torturing, and slitting throats. Let's agree...NO MORE JAIL for them! Execute closed.
Christians face extinction in the U.K. by the madmen Muslims UNLESS THEY WAKE UP IN TIME.
When you live in a dangerous neighborhood, you have to arm yourselves...train on the armaments...and be ready to use those arms. Case closed!