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The Dutch Sucker team are REAL STAND UP GUYS...NOT!
Islamic Jew-hatred: Dutch Soccer Team Leaves Star Israeli Player Behind, Caving to Islamic Demands
The vicious matter-of-fact Jew-hatred in the Muslim world is comparable to Hitler's Germany. How is this different from the Munich games? Shame on the Dutch for their submission to the antisemitic demand. And the world's silence is sanction. They should be particularly vigilant. Dutch collaborat...
Israel arrests 14 in plot to blow up bus, Iran-backed Islamic Jihad planned a mass-casualty attack in Israel
Why is the West funding these savages? "Israel arrests 14 in plot to blow up bus, credits alert passenger," Special to, January 6, 2014 TEL AVIV — Israel has charged the Iran-backed Islamic Jihad with planning a mass-casualty attack in Israel. Officials said Jihad recruited bot...
Jailing is not an appropriate punishment for terrorism, THE DEATH PENALTY IS!!!
Prosecutors say 'Jihad Jane' deserves lengthy sentence
We "filthy kafir pigs" ought to sentence this Muslima to life in prison. She actively engaged in jihad activity and plotted to kill Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks (below at our September 11th SION Freedom Congress). Photo: September 11 SION Free Speech symposium, from left, Pamela Geller, Ashr...
The families of the Mad Dog Perps should be on the line for money to replace the bus that was ruined AND to pay for any medical care that was needed for the passengers and the driver. There's all that oil money those guys get from us. Pay to play!
4 Muslims Arrested in Bus Bombing in Israel: "After praying at the mosque" the jihadist placed the explosives on the bus
More Muslims blowing up innocent civilians on buses. "After praying at a mosque," the jihadist placed the bomb on the bus. The bus in Bat Yam after a bomb on board exploded It bears noting that they infiltrated Israel through a breach in the security fence (annihilationists and Jew-haters cal...
Islamophobia is actually Islamoreality. The answer is obvious. Deport all the Muslims. Result = no Islamophobia!
Hamas-CAIR to hold symposium on "Islamophobia": What would Muhammad's Companions do?
We know what they would do. Muhammad's companions slaughtered those who criticized him, just as they do today. Sharia then, sharia now. Hamas-CAIR's speakers have inspired Muslims to slaughter non-Muslims in cold blood -- what is being done to address that? Hamas-linked CAIR to hold symposium o...
Deport the Muslims...end of problem!
Lord God, please hear my prayer. The Islamic terrorists should all get leprosy NOW.
Jihad in Russia: Female Homicide bombing at train station kills 15, Severed Head of Bomber Found
This is how the devout participate in the Olympics. Jihadists have been threatening the Olympics with religious violence. Scores injured, 33 people were hospitalized, with eight in serious condition and one in "extremely serious condition," Oleg Solagai, a spokesman for the Russian health minis...
And now they are bringing 2000 Syrians into the USA. No doubt they will be on welfare just like the Boston Massacre family!
Number of Saudi Students in U.S. Doubles in 2 Years
Importing jihad. But Christians fleeing jihad in Syria, Egypt, Libya etc are denied entry Visas. That is Obaam's legacy. "No. of Saudi Students in U.S. Doubles in 2 Years' Judicial Watch, December 4, 2013 The Obama administration is allowing a growing number of students from Saudi Arabia to en...
Islamophobia is ISLAMOREALITY! If you refuse to recognize the beasts, the beasts win. Get real! Islam is the beast.
Global Muslim Bloc Declares War On Free Speech In West
If the Islamofascists want to curb criticism of their faith in non-Muslim countries, they should rein in their supremacist attitudes, as well as the hordes of terrorists who give their faith a bad name. The Philistines are at it again. Relentless in their jihad to suppress freedom and drive hu...
Will somebody PLEASE issue a fatwa on Reza Aslan? PLEASE!
Christianophobe and Anti-semite Reza Aslan's Youtube Video blasphemes Jesus: Have the Christians attacked a US embassy yet? Set fire to Aslan's Publisher? Marauded with Machetes through Muslim villages?
More inter-faith dialogue from a Muslim supremacist who gets $30,000 to make speeches at Ivy League universities that defame and libel decent, freedom loving Americans while getting rich mocking non-Muslim religions: Reza Aslan Spoofs Nativity Scene to Sell Copies of "Zealot: The Life and Times ...
The death penalty is the only fair penalty for behavior like this. Jail is much too good an atmosphere for this kind of sadistic mad dog.
California: "Pillar of the Muslim Community" "Active Member of His Mosque" Sentenced for Trying to Honor Murder his Wife
This devout Muslim hired a hit man to run her over with a truck and park it on her head for a while to “just make sure she’s dead.” (US) 'Pillar of the Muslim Community' Sentenced for Trying to Have Wife Killed (thanks to Halal Pork Shop) Hader Nasim walked out of a courtroom Friday stone-fac...
Consider destroying the mosques. That would be a big help.
Sikhs Threatened: Embrace Islam or Leave Kashmir Valley
The Sikhs have for centuries suffered untold horrors and unimaginable carnage at the hands of Muslims, so this demand to submit or die is not surprising. What is surprising are the Sikhs who allow themselves to be ill-used by terror-supporting Muslim groups like Hamas-CAIR in order to further an...
If Ben Gurian were alive, 50 Lebanese soldiers would have met their maker. Wake up, Israel!
War in the Middle East: Israeli soldier killed by a Lebanese Army Sniper Attack
The Lebanese army is firing on Israeli soldiers. The absence of American leadership and solidarity with Israel has left a terrible vacuum in the Middle East, and evil loves a vacuum. "Israeli Soldier Killed in Lebanese Army Sniper Attack on Israel-Lebanon Border," By Algemeiner, December 15, 201...
He should go be a Chaplain in Pakistan or Afghanistan. We don't need him in this country. We have moral values here. He only brings demonic values with him.
Local imam chaplain says Florida hospital discriminating against him
Supremacist "volunteerism." Accept my volunteerism to preach my hate or I will sue you on the grounds of a mythical and fictitious victimhood narrative! And sue he did. "Local imam chaplain says Osceola hospital discriminating against him,", December 11, 2013 OSCEOLA CO...
Does Creedmore have space for this nut job?
Campus Muslim Leader at San Francisco State University Posts "..I Want to Stab an Israeli Soldier"
The university administrators have done nothing, because Jew-hatred is fashionable on campuses today. Even if this jihadi nutcase stabbed a Jewish student, university administrators would probably say he was provoked. President of Muslim Student Association (MSA) at San Francisco State Univers...
Jailing jihadists is A MISTAKE. DEATH PENALTY ONLY! Less jihadists = Better quality of life!
Israel Releases Scores of Jihad Murderers: Released prisoner: "[In prison] we'd chat, talk, eat, drink, joke and play throughout the day" Released murderer: "We don't regret what we did"
The tiny Jewish state released over fifty murderers to advance the "peace process"? What peace process? How does releasing an army of murderers to cheers and a heroes welcome by the jihadist PA advance peace? It surely advances the jihad against the Jews. I understand the Jewish national anthem,...
Many Arab Muslims have Jewish lineage...which obviously makes them dogs and pigs (according to their own koran).
Muslim Family Nearly Lynched for "Looking Jewish"
What a horrible way for the Muslims to get a taste of their own medicine. Perhaps these "Palestinians" were changed by the experience and will oppose the egregious Islamic teachings that command Jewish genocide and jihad. Apparently, they looked "Jewish." What does that look like? Kind? Benevole...
God Bless You, Bibi! You are THE MAN! not obama, not olmert, ONLY YOU!
‘I Will Not Shut Up’: Netanyahu Defiant After Predecessor Calls His Criticism of Iran Nuke Deal ‘Declaration of War’ on U.S.
The Laurel-esque (as in Laurel and Hardy) former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert has finally gotten tough --- not on the annihilationists, but on the current Prime Minister. I am not a fan of Olmert, a weak sniveling shadow of a man. He resigned in disgrace after he bumbled his way through ...
Islamophobia is a healthy response to the Muslim terrorists. Are there ANY Muslims who aren't terrorists? Are there ANY Muslims who do NOT support the terrorists. I don't think so. Islamophobia is keeps you safe.
FBI Report Further Debunks, Exposes Islamic Supremacist Myths and Lies
The latest FBI report bears out what I have been reporting for years. We see the Islamic pattern: Muslims create faked hate incidents in order to prove their bogus victimhood narrative. The media will always report on the "hate crime," but barely cover the follow-up story that it was Muslims who...
Barack Obama knows how to win elections. Unfortunately, he does not know how to govern. He seems driven to trust the dangerous unworthy leaders of the world. My guess is they remind him of his disloyal father. Hard to fight your psychology!
John Bolton on Iran deal: "Abject Surrender by the United States"
Dire warnings from America's most astute statesman on the subject of Iran's nukes, Ambassador John Bolton. "Iran may have gained all of the time it needs to achieve weaponization not of simply a handful of nuclear weapons, but of dozens or more." "A terrorist, nuclear Iran still threatens Americ...
Instead of catering his meals, dismember his limbs just like he and his brother did to the innocents at the Boston Marathon.
"Boston Bomber 'Tortured' With Catered Islamic Meals"
This savage "made it clear in his confession note that he wanted to inspire other Muslims to commit acts of terrorism against Americans." He and his devout brother blew up women and children, families, on the streets of an American city. A Rolling Stone cover, catered halal meals and an ACLU ...
The government should remove those children from their mad dog parents. What parent would allow this to happen to their child? I'll tell you...parents who belong in places like Creedmoor!
Muslim Holiday Ashura: Blood on American Streets
Ashoura is a bloody Shi'ite Muslim ritual where the men beat themselves to a bloody pulp. The craziness. Once again the annual bloody ritual of Ashura is upon us. Muslims flagellate themselves and their children with whips and chains until bloody to commemorate the death of our President's names...
Apparently, some Bostonians didn't learn anything from the Boston Marathon tragedy. Muslim savages maimed and murdered innocent Bostonians. HELLO!!!
The Boston Globe on AFDI Ads: Truth is "unnecessary incitement"
The left goosesteps in lockstep. Media and academia: The intellectual thugs at Harvard have gone on record calling for the restriction of free speech, and so has Boston's largest newspaper. The Boston Globe supports the MBTA's viewpoint censorship of our pro-Israel ads. "MBTA’s advertising disp...
Muslim prisoners are always complaining and whining. When they are free, they are always raping, torturing, and slitting throats. Let's agree...NO MORE JAIL for them! Execute closed.
Michigan: Muslims Prisoners Unhappy with their Halal Meals, Not Good Enough, Kufar!
Muslim criminals are getting halal meals. But they aren't good enough for them. "The meals might lack meat or be too heavy on soy-based products." I say bread and water is good enough and it's.......halal. Never enough. Never good enough. Never subservient enough. Never subdued enough. And the h...
Christians face extinction in the U.K. by the madmen Muslims UNLESS THEY WAKE UP IN TIME.
Christians face extinction in Middle East, warns UK Minister
And Obama, in concert with the "international community," backs the annihilationists. "Christians face extinction in Middle East, warns UK Minister" World Watch Monitor A UK Foreign Office Minister has warned that Christians in some parts of the world face extinction because of violence against ...
When you live in a dangerous neighborhood, you have to arm yourselves...train on the armaments...and be ready to use those arms. Case closed!
NYPD In Search Of Black Teen Gangs Wanted In Series Of 'Knock Out Jew' Attacks...
Racist graffiti has also appeared on Brooklyn sidewalks recently. A local rabbi speculated that gangs are playing a disturbing game of ‘knock out the Jew’. Earlier this week, I posted a vicious blood-curdling video of brutal attacks on people on the street by black gangs. These vicious gangs ...
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