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Alexander Kandiloros
Recent Activity
Many thanks! Am off to make things pretty.
Day in My Life
This past year has gone by in a blur. Time really does fly when you are raising a child. I thought I would let you in on just what goes on at Chez Vale while I am hanging out on the other side of the computer screen. Here we go, a day in the life...of me! 7:40 - 8:40 Wake Up Sleepyheads My 14 mo...
Thank you for the insight. Also, I LOVE the font! What IS that?
Day in My Life
This past year has gone by in a blur. Time really does fly when you are raising a child. I thought I would let you in on just what goes on at Chez Vale while I am hanging out on the other side of the computer screen. Here we go, a day in the life...of me! 7:40 - 8:40 Wake Up Sleepyheads My 14 mo...
Alexander Kandiloros is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 22, 2013
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