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Neal Korfhage
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@ John Moore
Your language about women's "proper" roles in the family is offensive on a conservative blog post about meaning, purpose, and destiny as it relates to God.
Your argument is invalid.
How about talking about the actual subject of the post? That would be way more productive and intellectual.
When Your Purpose Is Found in a Transcendent Creator
As an atheist, I was satisfied with the purpose I had created for my life. I found meaning in my work, my family, and my responsibilities as a father and husband. I also loved the idea that I was in charge of my purpose; that I was the one who got to decide what life was all about. It wasn’t u...
Great video Brett. Thanks for posting this.
Why Isn't Sincerity Enough? (Video)
Why isn't sincerity enough for God to save someone?
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer this week's challenge. I enjoy your insight and wisdom that you bring to the table to address these issues and the work you do for STR.
All that said I found it very distracting with riding in the car, camera bouncing, road tire noise, kid noises, and wife who clearly didn't want to be photographed.
I would like to concentrate on what you are trying to convey without all the other competition going on. Maybe answers in the car aren't a good venue. It's not something I would choose given the importance of the topic. Sorry if the sounds unduly harsh or nit picky. I'm just trying to be constructive without being offensive.
Please keep doing videos. I appreciate them and watch them. Just please not in the car with a thousand distractions.
Challenge Response: An Omniscient God Can't Exist
Here's my answer to this week's challenge:
Assuming the originals to be copied many times is a perfectly reasonable assumption. If the gospel writers took great care in composing their writings and they sincerely believed that Jesus' life, death, burial and resurrection are the greatest news for all of humanity, of course it would be reasonable for it to be copied many times from the originals.
Investigating Bart Ehrman’s Top Ten Troublesome Bible Verses
On the final page of the paperback edition of Misquoting Jesus, Bart Ehrman famously listed the “Top Ten Verses That Were Not Originally in the New Testament.” In an effort to discredit the reliability of the New Testament text, Ehrman offered this list to demonstrate the existence of many lat...
Neal Korfhage is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 22, 2013
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