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Bernd Hoeck
Recent Activity
The car hire firm sixt jacks the same topic with its recent facebook campaign. The campaign shows a picture of an advertisement with a claim that translates as follows: "The only way to get more horses is by buying lasagna".
Mini newsjacking flogs a dead horse
I'm always interested in fun newsjacking examples and here's one sent to us by Mazz PR. Over the past week, the discovery by DNA testing of horsemeat in products sold as beef has been big news in Europe. The story broke in Ireland last month, spread quickly across Europe, and has resulted in pro...
This is a great example on newsjacking. It illustrates that it is not only blog posts and news releases that can be used to newsjack, it can be all other media types as well. This requires that the marketing department also reacts and think in real-time mode. Thanks a lot for sharing this example. I will use it in my lectures.
Mini newsjacking flogs a dead horse
I'm always interested in fun newsjacking examples and here's one sent to us by Mazz PR. Over the past week, the discovery by DNA testing of horsemeat in products sold as beef has been big news in Europe. The story broke in Ireland last month, spread quickly across Europe, and has resulted in pro...
Bernd Hoeck is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 23, 2013
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