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Hi Jeremy,
Yeah, I mean 'Buck'. And I used it by mistake for a couple of times (shaming...)
I made much use of Revit API. I spent more time on the stage of construction and maintenance than the stage of design. It's a long story and I hope I can get time to make a draft for you. Maybe next month as I'm rushing for a release now.
For a brief, I'm doing the similar thing as RIB iTWO (, but on the platform of pure Revit.
Best Regards,
David Tan
What's New in the Revit 2014 API
Here is one post that I prepared well for in advance, by publishing the previous 'What's New in the API' sections two months back: What's New in the Revit 2010 API What's New in the Revit 2011 API What's New in the Revit 2012 API What's New in the Revit 2013 API The information provided here i...
Hi Jeremy,
Well, again "the box stops at you" :)
Yeah, my upgrade is kind of late. I have been working on the whole life cycle of subway for the past 8 months. All functionality are on Revit 2013, so I didn't get time to upgrade until today.
To share my good news with you, my work covers design, construction and maintenance. And I'm confident to say, the whole life cycle of BIM can be achieved depending on Revit.
Best Regards,
David Tan
What's New in the Revit 2014 API
Here is one post that I prepared well for in advance, by publishing the previous 'What's New in the API' sections two months back: What's New in the Revit 2010 API What's New in the Revit 2011 API What's New in the Revit 2012 API What's New in the Revit 2013 API The information provided here i...
Hi Jeremy,
Today I tried to upgrade my codes from Revit 2013 to Revit 2014. Everything goes fine but Add-in Manager. I didn't find it in Revit 2014 SDK package.
Could you please give me a hint where to get it back? Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
David Tan
What's New in the Revit 2014 API
Here is one post that I prepared well for in advance, by publishing the previous 'What's New in the API' sections two months back: What's New in the Revit 2010 API What's New in the Revit 2011 API What's New in the Revit 2012 API What's New in the Revit 2013 API The information provided here i...
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for your clarification!
About the scenario, I don't have more details at this moment. Hu Zhao just told me that it's one of his study subjects. I'll talk with him about it later and see what we can provide to you furthermore. I don't have the code or testing data on this machine, but I'll send them to you via email tomorrow, as well as an image.
P.S. as you might already know, Hu Zhao is in Zurich now. And thanks for Internet which makes me as "close" to you as him :)
Best Regards,
David Tan
To Regenerate or Not to Regenerate...
... that is the question. We already discussed some best practices concerning the regeneration option. A related topic is how often and when to make calls to the Document.Regenerate method, and how to eliminate such calls when possible. One of the issues we ran into during today's DevLab had to...
Hi Jeremy,
Chinese Spring Festival is coming to end and I'm back to Revit again. But this time I would ask question on behalf of Zhao Hu, one of my friends.
Zhao's scenario is to create about 80,000 sweeps in Revit in one shot. Per his test, it will take about 20 hours, while his workmate can achieve it in Rhino within 10 minutes. Zhao expects that Revit could do faster.
As Zhao's test was done in an open family document (with UIDocument), I tried to use in-memory document but it still take about 18 hours to draw all 80K sweeps.
Zhao noticed that although all the drawing work is done in a single transaction, it seems that Revit tries to regenerate the document after there are sweeps created already automatically. We did set the RegenerationOption to be Manual. We say it because we saw Revit progress bar in the bottom-left corner indicates it.
Our questions:
1. can we prohibit Revit's automatic regeneration?
2. more straightly, do we have any approach to get the job done faster?
Thanks a lot! And Happy Chinese Snake Year!
Best Regards,
David Tan
To Regenerate or Not to Regenerate...
... that is the question. We already discussed some best practices concerning the regeneration option. A related topic is how often and when to make calls to the Document.Regenerate method, and how to eliminate such calls when possible. One of the issues we ran into during today's DevLab had to...
Hi Jeremy,
Is there Revit API supporting Graphics/Visibility control of ParameterFilterElement?
I encounter a case which needs programically control of "Line Style", "Fill Pattern", "Transparency", and so on. I can find class ParameterFilterElement to control parameter relative filter. But I didn't find anything helpful for Graphics/Visibility.
Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
David Tan
Set Detail Curve Visibility
Mostly, the Revit API limits an add-in to pretty high-level operations, encapsulating and protecting the parametric BIM from reckless modifications. For the nonce, here is a little bit of nitty-gritty bit manipulation anyway, in a utility method provided by Scott Conover: Question: Why is there ...
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for your clarification and efforts on the wish list!
At this moment, I can unify the phase name to make program knows the consistency between host RVT phases and linked RVT phases.
On the other hand, I got a mess about host and links recently, while the phase mapping issue is one of them. We have a big RVT model which contains a couple of linked RVTs. The customer expects that the program could handle the selection event of the element in linked RVT.
I found a solution of selection event on your blog, which is sweet. But it doesn't work for element in the linked RVT. You know, via Revit UI, we can move the mouse over the element in the linked RVT and press TAB to make it highlighted. Although the Property Panel won't show the properties of this highlighted element in the linked RVT, but it looks like to be selected.
I know how to retrieve the element in linked RVT from DB document (from your blog again). But how to make it selected in UI document? It seems Revit doesn't support this feature. Do you have any suggestion on this? Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
David Tan
To: [email protected]
List Linked Files and TransmissionData
Today is the day of our Revit 2012 API webcast, in just six hours' time! In case you missed it so far, I assume that there is still time for a last minute registration. I mentioned that one of the new features in the Revit 2012 API is the access to linked file information and the Transmission...
Hi Jeremy,
I got a question about phase map between host doc and linked doc.
I know Revit provides a UI to manage the mapping, which is triggered by selecting the linked model and clicking Edit Type in Property Panel. However I didn't find anything relative in API doc or your blogs.
Did I miss something? Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
David Tan
List Linked Files and TransmissionData
Today is the day of our Revit 2012 API webcast, in just six hours' time! In case you missed it so far, I assume that there is still time for a last minute registration. I mentioned that one of the new features in the Revit 2012 API is the access to linked file information and the Transmission...
Hi Jeremy,
Woo, that's a late Christmas gift for me to get your more guidances. My email address is [email protected].
Many Thanks!
Best Regards,
David Tan
Revit 2013 and its API
As you probably know by now, Revit 2013 has been released, with legions of new features. Here they are for architecture, MEP and structural. Without further ado, let us take a look at its API. Overview Just like in previous years, the API in the upcoming version of Revit software sports truly im...
Hi Jeremy,
I'm happy to finally get your officially authorization of my translation :)
About the PhaseFilter, I'm working on a 5D feature based on phase property of Revit models. I assume PhaseFilter is used for filtering models assigned specified CreatedPhasedId and DemolishedPhaseId. But I don't know how to use PhaseFilter to achieve it. The backup approach is to iterate all elements and compare their CreatedPhasedId and DemolishedPhaseId to expected value. But as you mentioned in other cases, that's not an efficient way.
Best Regards,
David Tan
Revit 2013 and its API
As you probably know by now, Revit 2013 has been released, with legions of new features. Here they are for architecture, MEP and structural. Without further ado, let us take a look at its API. Overview Just like in previous years, the API in the upcoming version of Revit software sports truly im...
Hi Jeremy,
Could you please give me a sample of PhaseFilter? I cannot find anything helpful in 2013 SDK Samples or in your blog.
FYI, I have been translating your blog into Chinese since 2 years ago, as not every Chinese Revit developer can read English well. But I have marked all the translations as "Translated from The Building Coder". My blog is on and you can access it via link "".
Hopefully you don't mind it. BTW, your colleague Joe Ye also put his blogs on this website.
Best Regards,
David Tan
Revit 2013 and its API
As you probably know by now, Revit 2013 has been released, with legions of new features. Here they are for architecture, MEP and structural. Without further ado, let us take a look at its API. Overview Just like in previous years, the API in the upcoming version of Revit software sports truly im...
Hi Jeremy,
I didn't work on add-in debug for a couple of days. So I'll give you more details next time I run into the debug problem.
About your words to Joe, consider it done.
Best Regards,
David Tan
Reload Add-in for Debug Without Restart
We explored and learned a lot of interesting areas during the DevLab at AU on Tuesday last week. One recurring theme is how to effectively debug an add-in without having to restart Revit and reload the entire model each time a change is made to the source code. A long, long time back, right in t...
Hi Jeremy,
Actully per my experience, it's a good debug practics but not stable. I used to encounter Revit freeze or even crash after 4 or 5 times of debugging in this way. But Anyway, it's the most convenient debug approach as far as I know :)
BTW, did you ever attend AU in China? AU (China) 2012 will be held in Shanghai on Dec. 13 and 14. I'll be there and do a speech about Industrial Building solution based on Revit, into which I copied many codes from the Building Coder :) I met your colleague Joe Ye last year.
Best Regards,
David Tan
Reload Add-in for Debug Without Restart
We explored and learned a lot of interesting areas during the DevLab at AU on Tuesday last week. One recurring theme is how to effectively debug an add-in without having to restart Revit and reload the entire model each time a change is made to the source code. A long, long time back, right in t...
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for your confirmation that I'm on the right track. I used to concern that I had reinvented wheels :-)
You link about the "UK Electrical Schedule Sample" is kind of close to my another idea of the my "Revit Table Functionality":
1. Use defines table format in EXCEL, which is powerful in table format.
2. Revit Add-in reads the table format and draw a table family by drawing lines and inserting text.
3. Create a family instance of the table family
4. Populate the table family instance by inserting data text
It's just an idea (maybe navie) at this moment because it's kind of complex. And it seems more promising to wait for Revit API to expose more Schedule functions.
Best Regards,
David Tan
Mobile Device Room Location
I had a so-called education day last Friday, and one of our current goals for these days is to learn about mobile and cloud computing. Here is my account of activities and research that day. Please excuse me for exposing my fallibility in this rambling account of a spontaneous unstructured singl...
Hi Jeremy,
Many thanks!
It seems that there's solution for some of my requirements. Again, hope Revit 2014 will do more in Walkthrough.
Best Regards,
David Tan
FamilyParameter IsShared Property
A long time ago, we discussed a workaround to access the shared family parameter GUID using reflection, more specifically (and obviously) .NET Reflection. If you are new to this, here is an in-depth Code Project article on Reflection in .NET. Now Victor Chekalin, or Виктор Чекалин, ran into ...
flower4wine is now following Jeremy Tammik
Sep 28, 2012
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