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Great, thanks!
7 Simple TIPS To Make You Wealthy - Phil on the Willie Jolley Show - SiriusXM
I taped a really good show with one of the best and must enjoyable interviewers on radio - Willie Jolley. Listen to this powerful interview on The Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Show on Sirius/XM Radio Channel 141 – HUR Voices. It will air on this Saturday, November 23 at 4 PM ET, again on Sunday at...
Do you know if there anyway for those of us who don't subscribe to Sirius to listen, see a transcript, etc.? Thanks!
7 Simple TIPS To Make You Wealthy - Phil on the Willie Jolley Show - SiriusXM
I taped a really good show with one of the best and must enjoyable interviewers on radio - Willie Jolley. Listen to this powerful interview on The Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Show on Sirius/XM Radio Channel 141 – HUR Voices. It will air on this Saturday, November 23 at 4 PM ET, again on Sunday at...
JBarn is now following Phil Town
Nov 18, 2012
I just finished reading Rule #1 and Payback Time, which led me to this blog. I love the posts and sharing of ideas and have to admit I am quickly becoming a Rule #1 convert. I have spent the last 10 years basically ignoring my investments in mutual funds searching for a better way. Rule #1 investing (and stockpiling) is the first thing I have found that truly rings true and excites me. I have been totally enthralled with the books the last month and love what I am finding in the blog. Sounds like exciting things are coming and I hope to be a part of it. Can't wait to see what you have planned and actually implementing some of the things I am learning.
Rulers, Consider this post a "Call to Arms to Join the Rule #1 Revolution!" Sometimes at the risk of feeling foolish or being too sentimental on the blog, I share a few personal things. My intent in sharing that with a bunch of people who I'll probably never meet is just a step of faith that some...
JBarn is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 17, 2012
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