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Taylor D'Amico
Recent Activity
Social media and American politics
In this day and age many people are online using the Internet for all sorts of things like for shopping, social interactions, looking up the latest news around the world or just you know looking at pictures of cats. That a lot of the time, people use social networking sites to do these things and one trend for Americans that is being seen more on social network sites is americans talking about american politics. has reported that "A new survey released Thursday by the Pew Internet and American Life Project indicated that about 39 percent of Americans in this... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2013 at Global Media News
Journalist threatened by government officials in Veracruz, Mexico
After "journalist Jorge Carrasco was in Veracruz this week reporting on the killing of another Proceso". The Proceso magazine has release a statement; that because of Carrasco investigation in another Proceso's journalist death, that they have found "reports about a meeting between former officials and government officials, public safety and the Attorney Veracruz whose purpose was to agree hostile actions against the reporter in response to more recent publication Regina around for Martinez, who began circulating across the country on the same Sunday 14." and the intention of the officials might be to "kidnapping and [cause]possible death" to journalist Jorge... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2013 at Global Media News
Twitter and drug violence in Mexico
What happens when news networks stop reporting on certain subjects? Would lifes will be lost? This has been happening in Mexico where "Mexico’s media channels have stopped reporting about drug-related violence in the country because they have been threatened with violence. In response to the lack of news many Mexican’s have started using Twitter as a means to find that lacking news." Everyday citizens have picked up the slack on Twitter where they "inform the public about shootings, harassment, murders and arrests,.." To note as well that those who report about drug related violence on Twitter are in danger of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2013 at Global Media News
Mumbai,India gets it's first Social Media Lab
In India, Mumbai police set up the first social media lab in the country. The main idea behind setting up this lab by Mumbai police is so that they can " Through [their] social media lab, [they] will come to know the pulse of the people as to what they are thinking, writing and what's happening in the city, country and around the world. By reading the mindset of what people are writing on various modes of communication, we will try to provide better and improved safety and security to the Mumbai citizens," This sounds all fine and dandy, but... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2013 at Global Media News
India:Social media and fraud
Those on the internet know that at one point you come cross a pop up ad saying you win a million dollars; you know that this is some kind of hoax; if you click on the ad you will get a virus on your computer or that someone is trying to steal your social security number. We also have on FaceBook come across a fake celebrity account claiming to be whatever celebrity they are when in reality it is some 15 year old fan running the account. This has become a recent problem in India as many celebrities and MPs... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2013 at Global Media News
China vs. Japan: A War of Words
The Chinese media and the Japanese media are having an all out fight of words. The cause of the fighting is the Japanese media's claim that "Chinese frigate reportedly put a radar lock on a Japanese navy ship. While Chinese media claims that this is not true and that the Chinese Defense Ministry said that "Japan deliberately creating a tense atmosphere and misleading international opinion,” the question is who is telling the truth and who has the most to gain by lying. For some reason or another it is hard to believe that Japan would deliberately cause tension with China.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2013 at Global Media News
European Union regulation of the press and Britain backlash
European Commission wants to set up a "proposals for EU-wide regulation of the press". Lord Justice Leveson is the one who set up proposals to have wide spread media regulation in the European Union. It has been reported that in a proposal , the European Union would set up media councils giving them the powers "such as the imposition of fines, orders for printed or broadcast apologies, or removal of journalistic status." Some have argue that this seems somewhat fascist; that the idea that the Europe's set of standards for their media would be control by one governing body of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2013 at Global Media News
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Jan 23, 2013
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