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San Diego, CA
Dedicated Marine wife, wandering post-grad and fitness fiend.
Recent Activity
I realized something this morning driving home from boot camp, something that I have only felt a handful of times before, even after my months of working out...I was truly happy and content in that moment. For years I have listened to people talk about how much they looooveee working... Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2014 at A Tour of Double Duty
If you know me at all, you know a few things about me. First of all, you probably know that I talk about some guy Daniel..a LOT. Whether or not he's my husband, boyfriend or fiance, some people have a harder time nailing that one down, but there's definitely a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2014 at A Tour of Double Duty
The sweet sound of Christina Perri's voice is filling my bedroom; the song "A Thousand Years" has been on repeat for the past half hour. I've been alternating between it and a couple other deployment favorites, but this song has carried me through not one, but two of these seemingly... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
It's so much easier if you just don't think about it. If you can just close your mind to it, stick your head down and push, push, constantly push forward, it's so much more bearable. The second you allow yourself to imagine his presence, to see him standing before you,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Daisy Buchanan remains one of my least favorite literary characters. Fitzgerald crafted a careless, self preserving, weak creature when his mind formed this flighty ghost of a woman. Upon the birth of her daughter, Daisy told her cousin she said "'that's the best thing a girl can be in this... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Sometimes the ache of missing him is overwhelming. The silence of the apartment is numbing. The absence of his presence is palpable. We have been apart for so long, the two deployments now blurring together as one, that there are times when his absence seems normal. And then something happens,... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Today as I was swimming laps, I thought to myself, "I've got to change the title of my blog...I've graduated, so I'm no longer pulling double duty." And then I thought, "How incredibly untrue." I firmly believe that for any devoted spouse, mother/father, double duty is endless. This trascends the... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Around fourteen months ago I got a phone call from my oldest brother. It started something like this: "Kait. I've met a girl. She's like no one I have ever known. Her name is Lucy." I could not have guessed where this conversation would one day lead. I have watched... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Spending three and a half months apart is a huge accomplishment for a married couple. You've spent night after night in a half empty bed, shopped on the "dinner for one" aisle, been glued to your phone, and survived every bump in the road along the way. Tears have been... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
So I've neglected my writing...for a WHILE. Mostly abiding by the rule taught by every southern girl's momma: "If you can't say somethin' nice then don't say anything at all." Most of my handful of readers know that it fell upon me to find a new apartment, and FAST. Due... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
I find something else to miss about having my husband around every day; some things that are no big deal one day, are heartwrenching the next. Today after completely two major papers in the past three days, and getting roughly 12 hours of sleep across that time I got the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Truth. Kait never meant to kill. GOOD GRIEF THIS CLASS. Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
I am a words person. Words move me. Speak to me. Inspire me. Today while "pinteresting," I stumbled upon these words: "In the midst of winter, I found there was within me an invincible summer." And they reverberated down to my core. Saturday night while driving home from downtown San... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
It's amazing the havoc one seven pound cat can wreak. This week was the dreaded "valentines week." I am a complete and total sucker for this holiday; I had Daniel's Valentine's Day care package put together and shipped off on January 17, just three days after he left. The trinkety... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
I have a quiz in my Sensation and Perception Lab tomorrow. A test in my Psyc Testing class on Tuesday. A hypothesis due Wednesday. And what am I doing? Watching The Notebook, of course. There are certain days, days that stretch longer than others, when it seems impossible to think... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
I turned on Pandora for some musical inspiration, and the very first song that came on was Brad Paisley's "Then." This song played in First Baptist Church in Texarkana, Texas on September 5, 2009, as my husband and I lit our unity candle. I remember looking into his face, admiring... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
My doorbell rang this afternoon. I was about thirty seconds from falling into the wonders of Napland, and contemplated whether or not I should get up. I decided it could be something important so I made the grand effort to getup and answer the door. It was the UPS man!... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Sometimes a picture tells the story better than words...have an anxious heart tonight waiting for my phone to ring. There are no guarantees with a combat deployment, no promise of safety. I wait for his call; I'll wait all night long. He is what I hold most dear. Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
It's inevitable. There's a lot of days in seven months. 213 to be exact. One or two of them are bound to be Alexander days. You know, those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days? Yea. Today was one of them. Today is a day when moving forward seems unbearable;... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Going on day four of being awake well into the wee morning hours. Sleep evades me. The cold, clenching feeling of worry does not. I don't want to be one of those dramatic wives who immediately starts freaking out the moment their husband steps foot into Afghanistan. I've come too... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Wild@Heart is now following Jamie Daily
Jan 25, 2013
Today my husband finally arrived at his duty post in Afghanistan. He left almost two weeks ago and while we have been apart, the real deployment had yet to begin. He has spent his days attending briefs and classes, gathering all the necessary information for what he was about to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Journalism. Communication. Political Science. Pre-Law. Literature. Cosmetology. Psychology. This is the lengthy list of my many dreams and endeavours. I started the process of earning my bachelor's degree in 2007, dual enrolled in courses as a high school junior. It's now 2013, and I am 15 weeks, and 16 credits... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Last November I took the first leap; I dared to believe I was capable of enduring the most difficult and heartwrenching task I had ever been asked to endure. Now over a year later I'm taking the leap again and praying these fragile wings can still help me fly. Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2013 at A Tour of Double Duty
Wild@Heart is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 23, 2013