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Susan Fite
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I agree about the crashing ~ it's driving me crazy and honestly gives me second thoughts about playing the game. Today I lost prize crops, horseshoes and a neighbor!! We need to have the amount of animals per water trough increased as you keep adding all these animals to get prizes! This means I have to give up the spinning wheel, the yogurt creamy, the pigs, the hen house or recycling horse shoes. NOW we're going to add at least three goat personalities which means getting rid of some animals. Please address this. Thanks.
Toggle Commented Jun 26, 2013 on The Goat Nursery at FarmVille 2
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. I cannot visit my neighbors without getting the white page with the explanation point! SIGH!! (I apologize to my neighbors for not visiting very often but this is why!!) But it also happens when I'm "working" around the farm. I find it so frustrating. I wonder sometimes if it's because there are so many things going on at one time!!
It would be awesome to visit my neighbors ~ more than 2 -5 before I get that annoying ! and have to refresh my page and start over. I'm lucky if I get to visit 5 but lately it's been doing it after visiting my second farm!!
Toggle Commented May 5, 2013 on Suggestion Sunday! at FarmVille 2
You guys rock!!! That was AWESOME!! Loved the flowers and rainbow and mud puddles. Thank you!!!
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2013 on Spring Showers! at FarmVille 2
Thank you!
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2013 on FREE Water Giveaway! at FarmVille 2
Awesome!! I can hardly wait to get started!! Thank you!!
Toggle Commented Apr 17, 2013 on Bee Box at FarmVille 2
This is exciting! I'm just gathering my 3 million to expand to the woodlands!! This will mean more room to "decorate" and more animals and more trees!!
Toggle Commented Apr 16, 2013 on New Coin Expansions! at FarmVille 2
I agree with all of the suggestions but I also have an idea. When you harvest a prized crop, we get so many coins, XP, and ribbon. What about adding to that a certain amount of fertilizer and water. Instead of the ribbon I'd rather have water or fertilizer! It would be nice too if items did not go into our inventory until we accepted them. When I send a request out for say, baby bottles, I send to more than 12 people because I never know who will actually respond. I might, or might not, get 15 bottles back but I can only use 12. BUT if they don't go into my inventory until I accept them, then after I use 12 I can go back and accept the other 5. (Hope that made sense!) I agree about only accepting so many helps. I understand the reasoning behind it but some people are slower in getting around to the quests, especially if they had stopped playing for awhile. It took me FOREVER to build the goat shelter because every one had already moved on to other things. When I see requests come through on the Zynga feed that I have long finished, I help because I understand the frustration of not getting the help.
Toggle Commented Apr 14, 2013 on Suggestion Sunday! at FarmVille 2
How precious! I'm looking forward to this! It WILL put a burden on my other animals since we can only have so many. But I think he's worth keeping!! :)
Toggle Commented Apr 9, 2013 on The Nesting Baby Deer at FarmVille 2
This is adorable as well as beautiful! I love how it fits into spring! Seriously guys, this rocks! Thank you for such an awesome addition to FV2!!
Toggle Commented Apr 5, 2013 on Butterfly House at FarmVille 2
LOVE all the comments and suggestions. I quit FV2 because I could never get any of the things I needed. I like to ask for items instead of posting. I would like to see a list of changes and additions. For example, I couldn't resist and came back to FV2 but went to craft an item and it says I need to be at a certain level. A crafting level? Couldn't find any info on that in the forums. That kind of pinned info would come in handy.
Toggle Commented Mar 17, 2013 on Suggestion Sunday! at FarmVille 2
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Mar 17, 2013