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Lissa Lou
Recent Activity
How about a version that works for ALL kindle fires???
FarmVille 2: Country Escape New Release - May 30
We released an update in the App Stores this week. Please download the latest release for bug fixes and more, if you haven't already! What's new in version 1.7.73: Achievements: Now you can see all your Game Achievements in the Farm House and earn Keys as you finish them! Real California Dair...
I am looking for farmers who play everyday, even several times a day!! Thanks and plz don't spam me :)
facebook id LissaLou
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are...
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Apr 22, 2013
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