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Michelle Keller Neece
Recent Activity
God must have known when we crossed paths 30 years ago that we would reconnect later in life and one day you would serve as a messenger of words that I so badly needed to hear! You spoke directly to my heart with the points you made and I feel blessed to have heard them. You have always been such a wonderful, warm, kind and beautiful soul and I am so thankful to have heard your message and have received inspiration from your thoughts. Thank you, my friend ; o )
When God's Girls Get The Blahs
Hi friends, Got a new post for you today in the form of a vlog chat. I uploaded them in two pieces so they would process quicker. But our topic today is one I'm hoping you will give me grace on. You may not relate at all... or you may have experienced the same struggles and rejoice to see...
Michelle Keller Neece is now following Lori Frank
Apr 23, 2013
Michelle Keller Neece is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 23, 2013
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