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Plating Gourmet Lyrics
Action Bronson's bust, carved out of two pork chops and an angel hair beard. Recently I found this old post by a contributer for the Village Voice. The post takes the lyrics of rapper Action Bronson (one of XXL Mag's Freshman Class 2013) and cooks up a five course meal.... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2013 at Writing the Arts
Food is Power. Guantánamo to Crumble—There’ll Be No Cake.
No one force fed Ghandi, why are Guantanamo prisoners being fed against their will? It seems what President Obama pledged years ago, will be accomplished by one of the oldest forms of political protest within a matter of weeks. Approximately 100 of 160 prisoners are currently participating in a hunger... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2013 at Writing the Arts
Let's make this into a six-word short story. I think Hemingway may have some competition...
a very short novel
i had a copy of the anarchist cookbook, but i sold it to a psychopath for an ounce of weed in 1975.
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Apr 30, 2013
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Apr 24, 2013
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