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David Adams
Recent Activity
finsh 7 towns so far
Co-ops Have Arrived! (Updated 11/17)
FarmVille 2 is making it easier than ever to help new and old friends with MY FARM CO-OP! Stuck on a task? Turn to your Co-op! Have a friend in need? Come to their aid and help your Co-op reach farming greatness! Co-op farming has arrived at last, and we're inviting you to get started early!...
need 10 more co-op menbers play everyday and at level 133 co-op name adamsville
Co-ops Have Arrived! (Updated 11/17)
FarmVille 2 is making it easier than ever to help new and old friends with MY FARM CO-OP! Stuck on a task? Turn to your Co-op! Have a friend in need? Come to their aid and help your Co-op reach farming greatness! Co-op farming has arrived at last, and we're inviting you to get started early!...
play everyday on level 132
Add Me Friday - Find Neighbors Today!
Every farmer could use a helping hand from time to time! Whether they're giving you extra water or just another plow, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. On Fridays, FarmVille 2 invites you to participate in Add Me Friday. We know that the...
add me need players to join my co-op adamsville
Add Me Friday - Find Neighbors Today!
Every farmer could use a helping hand from time to time! Whether they're giving you extra water or just another plow, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. On Fridays, FarmVille 2 invites you to participate in Add Me Friday. We know that the...
I play everday too add me
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who a...
add me
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who a...
I play everday
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who a...
I play everday too add me
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are...
me too add me
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are...
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are...
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are...
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are...
I play everyday add me
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are...
add me play everyday
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are...
David Adams is now following Enrique Segovia
May 24, 2013
I play everday too need help add me
Finding Neighbors: Add Me!
Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. However, we know it can be difficult to meet folks who are...
David Adams is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 26, 2013
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