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Upland, CA
I shoot photography, create podcasts, launch websites, record video, consult, counsel, pray, read, and much more...
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This is "me" (and my story) - not necessarily everyone's. Having seen and participated in many MANY smaller churches that do "church" (read: "structure" or "organization") poorly and distractingly, I struggle with hopping on the bandwagon for "down with consumer churches." I'm not saying the church should pattern after "the world" and thereby lose it's identity as a community of called-out ones. If I was to take a narcissistic perspective, there are many things of the faith that we are called to do as believers that is counter-cultural (view on marriage, sexuality, human dignity, X as the way), uncomfortable and/or require sacrifice. I have also seen a number of people that are so "Missional" they are not much fun to be with. That's a lens that I bring to this discussion. Not that it's necessarily a counter view. Just my struggle. It has little to do with "theater congregations" or lackluster faith. That being said, where I really align with this is when the church is not viewed as a building or a place or a meeting time but when it's talking about individuals: the "true worshippers, who worship in spirit" - the spiritual church of disciples that go out in the world and stand in every gap, hurt, spiritual moment that God places in their path and leads them to. I hope this conveys with sincerity. I'm not trying to push anything but simply to articulate a tension for me. :)
I was thrilled when I heard this sermon, in part, because I heard it describe a trend that I see so frequently on Facebook and other social media, where one can "strike with boldness" from the safety of one's own home. Civility is set-aside for the sake of "being loud and combative for Jesus" rather than being a loving and living witness. Out of the 8 practices, I found "hermeneutic of charity" v "hermeneutic of suspicion" to be powerful and challenging. When I hear a different (read "wordly") theological view, I can easily go into suspicion/defensive mode - even when I try to affirm commonality. This needs to shift slightly, with the reassurance and empowerment of God's spirit.
"I know that you cannot tolerate evildoers" Confession: I find this phrase an interesting phrase. In our current culture, "intolerance" is not accepted. Even Xians "love the sinner, hate the sin" - so to speak. I'm not questioning the truth of it, but I own that I find that the language has a small trigger to it.
“If you stand up against the heretical threats to the church’s doctrine with the most sophisticated lenses of orthodoxy and discernment you can create, but don’t have love, you are the gatekeepers of ideas but you are not the church that reflects the life of the one who walks among the lampstands.” I find this paraphrase highly useful. I have seen many church societies, many boards, many inner dialogs, many pastors, many online rants ... There is a danger to presenting ourselves to the world as lawyers of righteousness and protectors of the Truth rather than living witnesses. The Truth (like God) simply IS. Arguing about the moral laws of the universe to someone who refuses to want to see them, is like arguing about, say... the law of gravity. You can choose to be in denial of it, but your denial does not cause it to cease being a reality (and relevant) in any way. This release of allowing the truth to simply BE what it is, allows me to take my own insecurities and ego out of a discussion and participate with a non-anxious presence. It allows me to find a more compassionate way.
I love this image: > "He holds seven (there’s that complete number again) of stars in his hand. Most commentators point out that in the ancient world the stars were viewed as the source of knowledge and power regarding the future. Astrologers were viewed as a primary source of wisdom and insight. The future was quite literally to be understood as having been written in the stars. But here John reveals that the stars are in the hand of the one who is Lord over all creation. He is not determined by the heavenly bodies but instead holds their power in his hand." It draws a couple of people to my mind and how they cling to this shadowy truth of "sun signs" and yet, in this scriptural image one can point to the God who holds those very constellations in his palm.
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May 28, 2013
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May 28, 2013