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Thai Bui
Recent Activity
Here in California (home of Curious HQ), we went from an extended multi-year drought to one of the wettest winters on record. Reservoirs and streams are overflowing, triggering floods and forced evacuations. Of course, the best way to wait out a storm is a rain-themed teaser, so here we go.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2017 at
The Academy Awards are this weekend, so to get you in an award-winning mood, we have an Oscar-themed puzzle for you. You can work on it while waiting for that actor to finish thanking his hairdresser's cat. There are five Oscar-winning directors below, their names scrambled to maintain the suspense.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2017 at
Happy Presidents' Day! This week's teaser uses the way we most commonly interact with dead presidents: money. If you have the day off, noodle on this. Mary has 4 modern US coins, one each of the common denominations (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter) and 4 modern US bills ($1, $5,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2017 at
Valentine's Day is coming! Whether you see it as a symbol of romance, bitterness, or corporate innovation, give this word puzzle a shot, by yourself or with a loved one. Can you find two seven-letter words that are anagrams of each other and complete this sentence? Remember, an anagram is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2017 at
We’re celebrating immigrants this week here at Curious, so today’s Teaser has a refugee theme, which is appropriate since I am one. I came over as a baby with my family from Vietnam in 1975 (we left in a helicopter, though a boat makes for a much better Teaser below).... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2017 at
Happy New Year! Today is the first day of the Year of the Rooster, celebrated by billions of people around the world. One tradition in Chinese and Vietnamese culture is giving money in small red envelopes, usually to children. Both the money and the red color of the envelope are... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2017 at
If you've been paying attention to weather (and who hasn't), you know that California has been in a terrible drought for years. It doesn't seem that way at all recently, as we've had solid rain for days here at Curious headquarters. And that means we've had tons of snow in... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2017 at
Are you ready for some (American) football? The NFL playoffs are in full swing, which, of course, makes you want to do brain teasers. Right? In regular American football, teams can score 2 points for a safety and 3 points for a field goal. In the right combinations, any point... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2017 at
Happy New Year! Let's get right back into it with a teaser that lets you reuse letters. Who needs 26 different letters anyway? There are several common English 6-letter words that use only 3 different letters. For instance, BANANA, NEEDED, MURMUR... Can you think of a common English 7-letter word... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2017 at
With the new Curio Cabinet, are you binging on Curios? Or are you bingeing on Curios? Definitely, if you get too close to the fireplace, you could be singeing your arm hair, because singing your arm hair would just be weird. Either way, we know that English spelling is very... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2016 at
We founded Curious for learners like you, and we've filled it with employees who love learning, too. Some of the most mind-blowing things we've learned are bizarre facts from the animal kingdom. The Ice Rib Toucan mentioned below isn't a real animal, but if it were, we're sure our minds... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2016 at
Did you know you can buy gift subscriptions for as little as $24.99 for your friends and family this holiday? Not only will they love the gift of learning, but you won't have to deal with shipping anything. Strange shipping rules are the law of the land here in Frustratopia.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2016 at
With Thanksgiving safely behind us, we turn our attention to twin "holidays" next up: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. When we have so many commercialized holidays (like Valentine's Day) already, there's something oddly comforting about having a straight-up, honest commercial holiday. But with so many sales, where do we BUY?... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2016 at
Here in the US, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. It's a holiday still blissfully untouched by obligatory gifts or greeting cards, but is focused almost exclusively around family and food. The jury's out on which gets more love, but some of the best loved foods are pies (undoubtedly more... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2016 at
The election is over. If you're looking for an intellectual palate cleanser or just little distraction to slowly ease you out of politics, we offer a controversy-free political word puzzle. Take the letters of bolded phrase below and rearrange them to form a phrase that completes the sentence: The visitor... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2016 at
Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs! In honor of their dramatic and historic victory, here's a baseball brain teaser to keep the baseball juices flowing (ummm, that's brain juices, not steroid juices): This year, Ace Alonzo, Blazin' Boone, and Cruisin' Callahan played for the Chicago Cubs, Cleveland Indians, and Boston Red... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2016 at
As Halloween approaches, houses are decorated, parties are planned, and many children's minds wander toward their costumes and the haul of candy they're going to collect. Parents' minds typically wander toward the haul of candy they're going to sneak after their children fall into their sugary slumber. One past Halloween,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2016 at
Welcome back to Thai's Teasers! Dedicated readers might have noticed that we took a few weeks off from our weekly brain ticklers. And to those who didn't notice, it's OK; I won't take it personally. What? What's that? No, I'm fine. I was just cutting onions. But yes, we are... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2016 at
Citius, Altius, Fortius! The Rio Olympics have taken over my house. We love the competition, the drama, the surprises, and even the overwrought feature pieces from NBC. That athlete is having a hard time competing because they just lost their pet goldfish? Ummm... OK. To celebrate the Olympics, unscramble these... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2016 at
... and we don't mean meat-lovers (though we do have tons of great cooking lessons). Let's take a moment to learn about our fishy, feathered, and furry friends. Dog Training 101 by Dogs need training—it’s a part of life. Transform your pup into an obedient old soul with a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2016 at
The 2016 Rio Olympics are here! Get ready by honing your skills in some of the Olympics event (and learn a little bit about the history of these sports below...) Tennis Stance & Swing Mechanics by Jeff Salzenstein Tennis Tennis has a long history at the Olympic Games. Tennis was... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2016 at
Had enough with the number sequences? Don't worry; I have something for those who might like language more than math. I'm thinking of two words that can complete this sentence: In order to reach the _____, I had to _____ very carefully. The second word is just one additional letter... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2016 at
Well, that last number sequence was a little cruel. I promise in this one, the numbers actually mean something. See? I'm not mean all the time :) 3, 7, 13, 19, 29, 37, … Ready for the answer? See? It's definitely easier... well, if you recognize that all those numbers... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2016 at
OK, this might be getting a wee bit out of hand. National Lasagna Day? Ok... we'll let it slide, mainly because we don't mind any excuse to eat lasagna. Mangia! Making the Perfect Lasagna by Chef Trevor Lasagna can be much, much better than the average Italian takeout! How? It... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2016 at
We've had five word puzzles in a row (well, two were rebuses but that's sort of word-y)! I miss my numbers, so we're getting right back to nerdy number land… Ahhhh, it's good to be home :) What's the next number in this sequence? 7, 8, 5, 5, 3, 4,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2016 at