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Anthony Governanti
Recent Activity
In the last twenty years we have seen dramatic improvements in and widespread use of technology in construction. The construction industry is striving to undergo significant changes and new technology is leading the way. With advances in mobile devices, LAN/WAN, wireless, WIFI networks, new software applications, and the "iGeneration", the... Continue reading
Autodesk recently announced the launch of a brand new solution being added to the Autodesk Construction portfolio; Autodesk Point Layout. We've had a lot of excitement building up around this powerful solution that enables construction professionals to use BIM coordinate information in the field. I'd like to provide some more... Continue reading
Great news for those of you using or interested in Autodesk® BIM 360 Field™ for Field Management at the point of construction; Autodesk® Navisworks® 2014 models are now supported for use in the Field BIM module of BIM 360 Field! This means that the same great tools for adding and... Continue reading
Anthony Governanti is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 17, 2013