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when we have to put the pages do you put the pg we found the anwser on or do we put the pg we left off on reading?
thank you for helping me through my many questions and it is the best book I read so far. :)
The Monstrumologist (HONORS/CORE)
The Monstrumologist by Yancey, Richard Supernatural Fiction - Young Adult These are the secrets I have kept. This is the trust I never betrayed. So starts the diary of Will Henry, orphan and assistant to a doctor with a most unusual specialty: monster...
hello I have another question to ask every journal entry I write do I have to draw a picture for it. or do I just draw the cover picture?
when you get time can you please write back
thank you very much
from Kayla Champagne:)
The Monstrumologist (HONORS/CORE)
The Monstrumologist by Yancey, Richard Supernatural Fiction - Young Adult These are the secrets I have kept. This is the trust I never betrayed. So starts the diary of Will Henry, orphan and assistant to a doctor with a most unusual specialty: monster...
hi I have a few questions about the summer reading project when you get time can you please answer my questions thank you
Summer Reading Project: How We Can Help
There are so many ways for you to get help with your summer reading assignment and/or to share your ideas with others: 1. "Like" us on Facebook - 2. Follow us on Twitter @mortonreads 3. E-mail us at [email protected] 4. Stop by the website - mortonr...
kayla is now following Morton Freshman Center Summer Reader
Jul 22, 2013
I also have one more question when writing the journals how many paragraphs do I write for each. and how many time do I have to write for the beginning middle and end can I write as many journals want for each. thank you for your time.
Summer Reading Project: How We Can Help
There are so many ways for you to get help with your summer reading assignment and/or to share your ideas with others: 1. "Like" us on Facebook - 2. Follow us on Twitter @mortonreads 3. E-mail us at [email protected] 4. Stop by the website - mortonr...
hello, I have a question about the summer reading project I am confused when it says must be organized into 20 entries. When it says that does it mean 20 entries all together or 20 for the beginning 20 for the middle and 20 for the end?
Summer Reading Project: How We Can Help
There are so many ways for you to get help with your summer reading assignment and/or to share your ideas with others: 1. "Like" us on Facebook - 2. Follow us on Twitter @mortonreads 3. E-mail us at [email protected] 4. Stop by the website - mortonr...
kayla is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 21, 2013
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