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Dr. Middos
Beit Shemesh
Biotechnology Executive
Interests: Technology, Tikkun Olam, mussar, learning Torah
Recent Activity
I beg to differ with Rabbi Deri. It is totally NOT true that we don't mourn during the month of Nissan. From the second day of Pesach until Lag B'Omer we observe the mourning period during Sfirat Ha'Omer, commemorating the deaths of the students of Rabbi Akiva. We don't shave, don't listen to music, get married, etc. There is certainly a level of public mourning during these weeks leading up to Lag B'Omer. Surely Rabbi Deri knows this; I don't understand how he could have made such an obvious mistake.
The shoah is a painful, devastating period of Jewish History. Rabbi Deri is unfortunately wearing his political Yarmulke, and so makes such divisive comments. Rabbi Deri's remarks do not bring Jews closer together; it would have been better for klal yisroel had Rabbi Deri said nothing.
Holocaust Memorial Day “Does Not Apply” To Haredim, Haredi Leader Claims
"Some 200 to 300 young people launched the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and in other ghettos there were more survivors. Is the grandmother who survived in Lodz worth less than those 200 individuals who launched the uprising?" Aryeh Deri Holocaust Memorial Day “Does Not Apply” To Haredim, Haredi L...
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Aug 1, 2013
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