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Western MA
Animal Communicator and Certified Medium
Interests: Music, Writing
Recent Activity
A friend wished ke to post about this
Name: David Stanford, Duty Officer At some point in the not-so-distant future we are going to stop posting new content on The Sandbox -- concluding with a final permanent intro that will explain what the site archive is, for those who may find their way to it in due course. But before we get to...
This has been very good. A terrific resource. How do we speak and hear from our troops and vets, families and caregivers now Gary?
Name: David Stanford, Duty Officer At some point in the not-so-distant future we are going to stop posting new content on The Sandbox -- concluding with a final permanent intro that will explain what the site archive is, for those who may find their way to it in due course. But before we get to...
Zan is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 7, 2013
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