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Marie Jonsson-Harrison
Contemporary naïve Artist Marie Jonsson-Harrison colorful Art; paintings,sculptures and prints will make you feel good and happy to be alive.
Interests: painting,sculpting,art,artists,mosaic,ceramic,blogging,writing,
Recent Activity
Hi Diane, Thanks for your comment and yes, a really special thing to receive such a gift that's for sure. Seems as if you know the feeling very well from personal experience too. Lucky us!! Have a lovely week Diane. Love Marie xxx
Art and the Kindness of Strangers
Some days you are just so glad to be alive and overwhelmed by the random kindness act of strangers that you are totally lost for words. I had one of those days yesterday and it revolves around a Danish man Knud Grothe who owns and runs one of the finest galleries in Denmark. I have shared with ...
Marie Jonsson-Harrison is now following Wendie Busig-kohn
May 29, 2013
Marie Jonsson-Harrison is now following The Typepad Team
May 26, 2013
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