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Sunny Hira
California, USA
Sunny blogs for Beyond Design-- your one-stop blog for the construction industry.
Interests: reading, technology, gadgets, construction and much more!
Recent Activity
@Milad: Did you untick the BIM 360 install plug-in by accident? By default it should download. I wonder if it got unticked while you were downloading. The product team is looking into this.
Connecting the dots – 2015 Product Launch and BIM 360
It's the time of year where we head to the hills and start shouting about our new releases, except this year we have something different to shout about. Normally you'll see us reeling of a list of features for each product we release, which is great, and useful, but we understand not many of you...
Innovate or Die… Better off Dead?
Spotlight of the Week: Guest Blogger Dace Campbell Dace Campbell, AIA, LEED AP is a Customer Success Manager at Autodesk and a nationally recognized expert and strategist in innovative tools and processes, including Building Information Modeling, Lean Construction, and Integrated Project Delivery. He is a licensed architect with almost 25... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2014 at Beyond Design: the Construction and BIM blog
@Chris Baze: Thank you for following Beyond Design.
Yes, you can add several colors in a single view. Simply select the entities you need to color in, apply the color in the Add Color dialog, select next entities and apply different color. When finished Save the view.
Getting more out of your data rich construction model with BIM 360 Glue
You've probably seen videos and demos showing how to explore the model in BIM 360 Glue (BIM 360 Glue Workflow – Reviewing the design). You've probably also seen how BIM 360 Glue can help you avoid costly clashes (also read this post on The cost of clashing) and communicating changes uses markups...
ENR 2013 Mountain States Best Project Winners Announced!
ENR's Best Projects competition in the Mountain States region featured more than 80 entries from Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. Projects were judged on design and construction quality, their contribution to the community and industry practice, and how well teams overcame unusual challenges... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2013 at Beyond Design: the Construction and BIM blog
Navisworks 2014 Hotfix Released
A hotfix has been released for Navisworks 2014 and is now available for download from the Autodesk Website. NWF refresh issue hotfix This hotfix is designed to resolve an issue where Navisworks Manage and Simulate may close unexpectedly when refreshing a NWF. Please note, this hotfix requires Navisworks 2014 Service... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2013 at Beyond Design: the Construction and BIM blog
BIM 360 Field roadshow is coming your way!
You've heard my friend, Pete Billante talk about the cool features in Autodesk® BIM 360™ Field for the iPAD and how they've helped thousands of construction project managers, superintendents, and field engineers to manage quality, safety, and commissioning processes. Now, it is time for you to see the power of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2013 at Beyond Design: the Construction and BIM blog
Autodesk Point Layout is here!
Hi everyone, I'm excited to announce (drumroll please), the newest member of the Autodesk® Construction family, Autodesk® Point Layout is here! When you are ready to start construction, in theory everything should fall into place. Alas, that is not the reality. Sometimes, designs are not created with constructability in mind.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 21, 2013 at Beyond Design: the Construction and BIM blog
Sunny Hira is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 20, 2013
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