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Susan Fuquay
Creative enthusiast
Interests: art, design, painting, textiles, sewing, weaving, quilting, travel, dyeing, shibori, antiques, photography, fashion, France (!)
Recent Activity
There's a line in the lovely poem "The Cornfield" written by E.B. White: "And I could feel the simple awe, he felt at seeing what he saw ..." My husband shared this poem with me shortly after our son was born, totally melting my heart — again. The simple awe... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2014 at Untangling Threads
Is there a weaving waiting in these waves? During my tapestry class at French General, teaching new weavers the simple joy of creating cloth from yarn was enlightening. The students were quick to catch on. Yet my joy was watching as seeds of weaving's potential began to grow. Tapestry's creative... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2014 at Untangling Threads
Oh the cold wind doest blow! But, no matter — it's warm and cozy inside, and and all one needs to do is look around the studio and there's a wealth of fun activities to keep me occupied in my newly formed wealth of time. I'm not saying free-time, as... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2014 at Untangling Threads
In my last post I said "with nary a deadline in sight." Okay, the exact truth — there is one deadline coming up: I'm leaving for LA on Friday to teach a tapestry weaving class at French General's Art of Craft 2014! The kits and I need to be prepared... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2014 at Untangling Threads
Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Yes, so was yesterday, and God willing, tomorrow will be also. But today, I am officially retired (at least for now). Some of you know I sold my business American Quilt Retailer in late December 2012. I have continued... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2013 at Untangling Threads
This is more like it — back to weaving! Several years ago I took a very cool painting class from Californian artist Robert Burridge at Wenmohs Ranch in the Texas hill country. Robert is a wonderful, free painter who teaches his students almost first and foremost — to loosen up.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 26, 2013 at Untangling Threads
I just learned to unweave. Just like the oil painting in my last blog, my recent weaving design was going nowhere interesting. Sometimes I set a design problem aside for a while and often the solution appears on its own. However, even after six weeks, I couldn't see it —... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Untangling Threads
More untangling: What's wrong with this painting? Yes, you're right, it is upside down. But it is more than that. I had just finished this: It was worked, and reworked, and finally, I decided the problem was that I was painting a busy scene on a small panel — a... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2013 at Untangling Threads
If you enjoy textiles, chances are you enjoy all aspects of textiles and want to untangle how to do everything. Well, me too! In a previous post, I mentioned taking a tapestry weaving class long ago. We made our looms and created a "sampler," learning a technique a week. When... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2013 at Untangling Threads
I'm always curious about creative people. What makes them tick and how can I get that way? Another thread to untangle. This summer, in France (no less!) on the French General Chateau Dumas Getaway, I was delighted to spend time with the talented Amy Butler. Amy was the artisan for... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2013 at Untangling Threads
Welcome to this new blog! Untangling Threads seemed the perfect name for my blog as it will be about arts and crafts, textiles and, well, anything else held together by a creative thread which needs — untangling. As an introduction, please read the "About" at right, under my photo. While... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2013 at Untangling Threads
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Jul 2, 2013