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Jenna Matlin
Philadelphia, PA
Integrative, Transformative Tarot Consultationa
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I love this link you are making between intuition and a feminist mission. The witchhunts, the inquisition, and later the enlightenment worked to silent what women have long excelled in. I wrote a post a little bit about this, modern day, and how many otherwise open minded men see Tarot and intuition as a "silly women's thing". While the teeth have been taken out of the disrespect, it exists still. I'll leave my blog post here as an additional contribution to this discussion:
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2013 on My Intuition Mission! at Thematic Tarot
Reading your post brings to mind the paleolithic cave paintings found so far mostly in France and Spain. We often see them as exact replications of the hunting culture and the animals there but considering metaphorical implications for this early art opens up a whole world of speculation into the deep mystery of our early selves. The only glimpse into their spirit, their culture, their dreams.
Yummy! I imagine this to be a towering strawberry shortcake!
I also love how this Queen is the most green; she would be the one with the urban chicken coop, the sparrow rescue corner, and would be loathe to pull native "weeds". I find myself making fast friends with women of this type (though I am more of a Queen of Wands) I love the quiet, sturdy, comfortable atmosphere that surrounds this Queen.
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2013 on The Jill of All Trades at Thematic Tarot
I LOVE THIS LISA!! Sorry for the caps but I love this SO much I literally shouted it out loud :) Self love, body love is so important and Strength beautifully exemplifies this. I would also like to add cultivating a place of gratitude for our bodies as is without qualifiers helps us create a relationship that is loving and fearless. Well done!
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2013 on Strong Is the New Sexy at Thematic Tarot
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Aug 29, 2013