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Big business has scored a victory for the continuted explotation of illegal foreign nationals who work for slave labor. It's a temporary order but this likely may become permanent. If this happens, citizens and the state of Oklahoma, I guess, will have no recourse but to allow illegals to take... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
According to a blog that the National Coalition of Latino Clergy has, their president, Miguel Rivera and Rep. Randy Terrill of Oklahoma will face off on Wednesday's program on CNN at 5 P.M. central time: CONLAMIC President to Face Oklahoma House Rep. Randy Terrill on Lou Dobbs Show Debate Heats... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
URGENT: From Numbers USA: During the consideration of the Department of Defense authorization bill (H.R. 1585) next week, open-borders Senators will attempt to attach three proposals that would give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and dramatically increase the importation of additional foreign labor for American jobs. Senate Amendment 2237... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
I read in disbelief the Canada's Anti-Terrorism Act does not make inciting terrorism a crime. While Canada wants to allow free speech, I think the voice of reason says promoting or inciting the death of others is NOT free speech. A Toronto-area man has been posting messages on the Internet... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
Recently, the House of Representatives voted to pass a resolution to "commend" Muslims for their faith. The resolution mentions the 9/11 Islamic terror attacks and stated Muslims have been the victims of "threats and incidents of violence directed at law-abiding, patriotic Americans of African, Arab, and South Asian descent, particularly... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
Oklahoma's anti-illegal foreign national law is set to go into effect November 1st. But there are signs this law will not stop illegal foreign nationals from getting some free services from agencies. Naturally, the cost for these "free services" are paid for by taxpayers. Recently, the citizens of Oklahoma learned... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
In an action alert on July 24th, the Council of American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, is asking Muslims to contact Rudy Giuliani's Presidential Campaign because he dared to link terrorism to Islam! Now back In 2001, Giuliani rejected millions from Saudi... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
The Islamic police in Jordan have arrested 8 Christians for the horrendous crime of propagating the Christians faith. This is how Islamic countries keep their citizens in bondage to Islam. The government outlaws conversion from Islam, as well as proselytism among Muslims. Religious freedom? Forget about it. Muslims work hard... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
Imam Hassan Al-Qazwini is the leader of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan one of, if not the largest mosque, in North America. In a video (below) Qazwini discussed the fundamental beliefs of Islam with host Dennis Wholley. Critics could say this video is a whitewashing of Islam... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
Today, will be a sad day for many in Picher, Oklahoma after it was hit dead-on by a devastating tornado that killed 7. Twenty blocks in the southern part of this small northeast Oklahoma town were severely damaged or leveled. This was a EF4 (winds 165-175 miles per mile) which... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
Update 3/27/08: Geert Wilders movie has been released and is below Update 3/28/08: Live Leak received serious death threats from some who follow Islam. In order to protect their employees they caved to the Islamists threats and pulled the film according to LFG. Live Leak reports in their statement now... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by the National Coalition of Latino Clergy, to defeat Oklahoma's new anti-illegal foreign national law. "U.S. District Judge James Payne [U. S. District Court, Western District of Oklahoma Nominated by George W. Bush on September 4, 2001] ordered the case dismissed because... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
I'm starting to look forward to the monthly newsletters posted on the website of the Islamic Society of Tulsa (ISOT) because what they write about sometimes is quite surprising, if not alarming. I've only been reading these newsletters for a few months but they usually gives me and others something... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
Adam Gadahn as he appears on video. Source: ABC News ***There is a link to the video below*** Below are some excerpts of the newly released video message by al-Qaeda stooge, Adam Gadahn, who is wanted for treason in America. The message is the 1st Al-Qaeda warning of 2008 which... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Ztruth
I ran across a video on YouTube about the Jewish convert who runs the RevolutionMuslim website. Yusuf Khattab, formerly known as Joseph Cohen, ultimately wants to see the West destroyed and united with the Islamic world under a Khalifah/Islamic rule. Khattab was interviewed by a Roman Catholic reporter while he... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at Ztruth
There is a new organization made up of Muslims who want to educate others about dangers presented by Islamic religious texts and why Islam must be reformed. They have formed Muslims against Sharia. On their website they list some prominent Muslims who are considered moderate Muslims whom they believe are... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at Ztruth
Yesterday, I wrote about Oklahoma Rep. Rex Duncan who refused a copy of the Quran which was offered to him and all Oklahoma Legislators by the Governor’s Ethnic American Advisory Council. I personally believe that in a country that defends the separation of church and state, gifts to politicians of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at Ztruth
Know doubt you've heard the news about a popular and heavily marketed cholesterol drug combo, Vytorin, and a recent study that casts doubt on its effectiveness. Merck and Shering-Plough are now exposed by their very own study only after repeatedly missing deadlines reporting the results. Two years of deadlines, I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at Ztruth
On July 17th, MSNBC had a news report that focused on Tulsa, Oklahoma and its illegal alien problem. They ran the piece shortly after MSNBC conducted their first "Gut Check America" vote where thousands of readers said illegal aliens were their number one concern. In other words, the invasion of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at Ztruth
It appears the Mexican government is not happy with Oklahoma's new anti-illegal foreign national law or our 287G trained law enforcement officers. Mexican Consular Andres Chao had the audacity to say in the press the worst thing to do was have our own law enforcement officers get involved with their... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at Ztruth
The Council of American Islamic Relations or CAIR is having their first Goodwill Appreciation Awards Dinner August 25th in Oklahoma for 25 Oklahoma individuals who are not Muslim but have shown goodwill towards a Muslim or Islam, itself. CAIR announced a couple months ago it was opening an office in... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at Ztruth
Recently, the newly formed Oklahoma chapter of the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was reported to have given a presentation to the Oklahoma State School Boards Association and offered them plenty literature on Islam to be placed ino the public schools in Oklahoma. I didn't find this article in... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at Ztruth
It seems no amount of rhetoric or interfaith discussions by the Islamic Society of Tulsa (IST) can disguise, what appears to be, their true nature which has been emerging to Oklahomans since 2007. Last summer, we saw Tulsa's largest Muslim group embrace and partner with the Council of American Islamic... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at Ztruth