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Arizona Eagletarian
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It also sounds a LOT like the mindset of the GOP caucuses in each chamber of the AZ Lege. They demonstrated an incredible level of groupthink with the passage of SB1062 and subsequent television interviews defending it.
Thucky: Textbook Case of a Neo-Religious Conservative
Posted by Bob Lord One of our readers and frequent commenters, Bess, suggested that we just ignore ole Thuckarooskie. That would be the conventional approach. But I actually think we may be on to something, so let's not stop just yet. In Thing Two About Thucky, I guessed that the Thuckster is a ...
You only know about me what I write. The liberties you take in trying to frame my beliefs in terms of your prejudices miss the mark by miles.
When mechanisms are put in place to make private schools subject to accountability to taxpayers, we can revisit your bullshit claim about what I believe.
By the way, I wonder how good a job the schools in South Tucson or any cash strapped public school district would do if they had a per student budget that matched that enjoyed by private schools like Phoenix Country Day School.
Dear Superintendent Huppenthal, Do you REALLY believe your job is to recruit for private schools?
CROSS POSTED from the Arizona Eagletarian. In a comment to another news story about Huppenthal and his private school marketing scheme, Diana Murray, a Paradise Valley School District parent, says that just this evening, she received the robocall from the Arizona Superintendent of PUBLIC Schoo...
Note that Reagan's bill requires disclosure of the three largest IDENTIFIABLE contributors. That's the word that will allow the Kochtopus, Sean Noble and Nathan Sproul to weasel out of compliance with any attempt at forcing disclosure or compliance. Well, "can't identify these large donors," so we won't disclose.
That's why this bill appears to be aimed primarily at Labor. Because Labor would play by the rules when the Kochs would not.
Sen. Michele Reagan's dark money disclosure bill will accomplish little
Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The Arizona Republic will never admit they were shamed into doing it by my constantly berating them for not reporting on Sean Noble and the "Kochtopus" dark money network operating in their own backyard in the state of Maricopa. But I am going to claim a small victory any...
The most poignant aspect of SB1062 is that it sanctions religious bigotry in the Arizona statutes on CIVIL RIGHTS.
Religious bigotry rears its ugly head in the Arizona Legislature
Posted by AzBlueMeanie: Earlier this month I told you about the bill by Rep. Steve Montenegro (R-Litchfield Park) to make it illegal for government to “require a minister to solemnize a marriage inconsistent with a minister's sincerely held religious beliefs.” A solution in search of a non-exist...
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Dec 17, 2013
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