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Robert Sanders
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86% of students choose to go to college to get better jobs, but 44% of graduates are underemployed. LinkedIn Students help you navigate these uncharted waters of finding your first job out of school. Aimed at helping soon-to-be college graduates search for jobs that could be a fit,LinkedIn announced a new standalone “LinkedIn Students” app. This new app will allow for networking and relieving some major stress students face in pursuit of their first job out of college. LinkedIn describes the app as a job exploration guide. The tool offers personalized job recommendations and postings based on the career paths... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2016 at Global Media News
YouTube is the first to launch 360-degree live streaming and spatial audio. YouTube, Live 360 content is the gateway drug between what most people watch today and the immersive era of virtual reality that is just getting underway. Spatial audio means playing sounds the same way people actually hear — or as YouTube explains, it’s about letting you listen as you do in real life — “where depth, distance and intensity all play a role,” writes Neal Mohan, Chief Product Officer for YouTube, For YouTube creators, all that’s required to take advantage of this new feature is a camera that... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2016 at Global Media News
Instagram’s new top-secret algorithm is in the works of restructuring the order in which users receive their feed. The upcoming shift has publishers reassessing how they post to the platform. The proposal set off an uproar from users fearing that the app would become part of a social media algorithmic apocalypse. When Facebook bought Instagram for close to $1 billion it wasn’t just for the fun of it. Such a large scale investment would not have been made without a vision to make a return on that investment. That return will come through advertising revenue. The shift to an algorithmic... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2016 at Global Media News
The new battleground for many 2016 presidential candidates isn’t the real world or old media – it’s Instagram. With over 300,000,000 monthly users worldwide many politicians have turned to Instagram as their platform. A recent Harvard University Institute of Politics poll shows that 83 percent of 18-29 year-olds are on Facebook, 44 percent are on Instagram and 39 percent are on Twitter. After Facebook, Instagram is the most popular social media tool for millennials. Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump are two powerful political influencers on Instagram averaging a million followers each. Lets check out how Hilary Clinton uses her Instagram... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2016 at Global Media News
Gnack is a tech startup that is programmatically selling influencer content on Snapchat and Instagram. Influencers who sign up for Gnack will be paired with marketers. This helps advertisers looking to programmatically buy influencer content, and find matches based on campaign objectives, negotiated price and target demographics, as well as preferred hashtags and the number of influencers. By having influencers log in to Snapchat via their Instagram accounts, Gnack can link on Facebook/Insta’s more vigorous measurement capabilities to track the number of times Snapchat posts are opened or screengrabbed. “We used to be a social marketing agency manually matching brands... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2016 at Global Media News
Animated GIFs are one of the most popular media formats we use today; still becoming ever more trendy on social media platforms, and are a great way to draw attention to your work in an appealing way. Plenty of websites and apps allow you to share their GIFs, but what if you want to make your own – personalized for the point you are trying to make or the story you have reported on? In the past, using multiple apps such as OneShot and Textshot+ together were recommended to make quotes stand out, however there are new Gif apps (free)... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2016 at Global Media News
YouTube created the NextUp program which will support future video stars. Creators who are selected receive a $2,500 voucher for production equipment as well as a spot in a week-long creator “boot camp” held at a YouTube Space, where they are coached by production experts on how to shoot high-quality videos according to Sahil Patel Of Digiday. In order to qualify for NextUp, creators must already have 10,000 to 100,000 subscribers. Users must also submit an application responding to three short essay questions about why they want to participate, how they plan to develop their channel over the next year,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2016 at Global Media News
Just short of 1 million views two years ago, NowThis has increased its monthly views to 1 billion by forming five editorial teams dedicated to distributing news from all angles. NowThis is a media distribution company that makes short videos for many social outlets such as: Instagram, Vine, and SnapChat to name a few. "We start with understanding what the audience wants on a platform and build our story selection from there" according to Versha Sharma managing editor at NowThis. The editorial staff is broken up into five teams led by a senior producer; editors pitch their ideas but also... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2016 at Global Media News
Clammr is the latest app for audio that allows you to take a snippet from a podcast and post it to social media. "It is to audio what Twitter is to words, Instagram to images and Vine to video" according to Alex Iacovangelo of Online Journalism Blog. In this online driven industry, social media content has been dominated by video and images. Clammr has been utilizing Facebook and Twitter as platforms in which snippets of audio from any podcast can be played automatically as users scroll down their feeds. This app also allows you to personalize your snippet according to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2016 at Global Media News
With over a billion monthly users, Snapchat has become one of the dominate media outlets for large media corporations such as CNN and ESPN. Snapchat may soon allow users to subscribe to publishers and receive notifications every time they snap. In retrospect, Snapchat created the Discover feature that shares data with publishers notifying them on how many users read their snaps and how much time they spend doing so. Snap soon faced troubles with this feature due to the users lack of interest in the content given, however it's still a work in progress. Content producers have already stepped down... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2016 at Global Media News
Today's media is consistently producing content in a much faster and efficient manner than ever before. News reporters and journalists are the primary culprit in how the information is articulated. However is it possible that these specific media professionals can further control exactly how news content is received and viewed by it's audience? According to Catalina Albeanu of Journalism UK, "coding or at-least a basic understanding of programming is becoming an increasingly important skill for journalist to have in the newsroom''. There has been an app that was created to do just so in which you can access it right... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2016 at Global Media News
Eyewitnesses play a key role in informing and validating details. These vital details create the story that news journalist report. So what if the only way you can reach these eyewitnesses was through an app? According to Catalina Albeanu this is a new trend that is on the rise. Retrieving information from certain parts of the world is becoming more and more challenging, technology has been an uprising outlet for gathering news. Journalist over the years have went to the extremes to relay the news; from jail sentences to death to say the least. According to Trevor Snapp (Director of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2016 at Global Media News
We all go to work with expectations on returning home. But this wasn't the case for three Lebanese journalists on this particular day. According to BBC News Hamza Hajj Hassan (reporter), Mohhamed Mantash (camera man) & Halim Alaws (technician) all were assassinated on the job for their lead on a operation led by Syrian soldiers. This country has been known for killing journalists prior to this incident. From the media's perspective there have been reports that the army units of Syria had restored security and stability in Maaloula where the journalist were hailed with gunfire, after leaving ancient Christian town... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2014 at Global Media News
Why join forces with the opposed for the benefit of an election? According to BBC News, Bharatiya Janata Party of India has accepted membership from Promad Muthalik and has put national leaders and media in dismay. The media has now turned on the party and is heavily criticizing them for their actions. Papers from Indian media are even criticizing the party for going as far t0 c0nsider Muthalik's application. The Hindustan Times feels that "it should have been obvious to anyone with even an iota of political sense that it would be disastrous" to invite someone like Mr Muthalik into... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2014 at Global Media News
Where are all the people? Through scrubby wastelands beside the roads being traveled, there was no sign of human habitation for kilometers at a time across three states and twelve districts in India with a population around 150 million according to journalist at BBC. Majboor Kiska Bola (Who Are You Calling Helpless) is a radio program in India that provides listeners information and motivation on bonded labour and labor rights. The problem is that with a lack of resources and very unsympathetic gatekeepers, it makes it very challenging for the most in need to to access their entitlements, land rights,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2014 at Global Media News
Dialogue between two characters of hit show House of Cards raises concerns. Vice President Francis Underwood played by actor Kevin Spacey states "Mao is dead. And so is China", to chinese billionaire Xander Feng played by actor Terry Chen. According to Sinosphere a blog in the New York Times: it's not often one hears a line this politically provocative on a Chinese-state-regulated platform. China is one of a few countries that are very strict when it comes to censorship in regards to music, radio, internet and television. Sohu one of China's leading internet portals has safely secured the rights to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2014 at Global Media News
"Turned the other cheek"; This was China Central Television's accusation on police in China in a on-air investigative report which exposed dozen of hotels running sex services. According to BBC News, police have launched a crackdown on the sex trade in Dongguan, a southern city in China. Communist party Chief has called for an "extensive trawling-style crackdown of the entire city". In China prostitution is illegal, however, the sex trade is widespread. According to BBC News, Dongguan is often called the "capital of sex", because of it's reputation as a hub for the sex trade. The media has thrived off... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2014 at Global Media News
The initial protest of the AAP ( Aam Aadmi Party) was against Delhi police. The Party has been demanding to have control of the corrupt organization. Arvind Kerjiwal, the leader of the AAP, promised as the chief minister to fix the problems faced by the people of the city. In efforts, Kerjiwal began his protest to force central government to meet his terms. This led to the shut down of four metro stations, and traffic jams. Yadav feels that all innocent people of Delhi who has faced such corruption, should join along with their protest. In the AAP's pursuit for... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2014 at Global Media News
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Jan 22, 2014