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Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
Recent Activity
Winter is very close in upstate New York, too, after a blustery, rainy, weekend brought down the autumn leaves. It's supposed to freeze tonight, so I'll be cranking up the fireplace tomorrow. I have the same problem with writing resources--so many are helpful, but if I read them all, I'd never write. It sounds like you are doing well on your goals--especially writing and health. Good job!
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I agree with Shan--you're doing well on your goals. Enjoy the train ride--I love taking trains in the autumn, watching the change in the color as one goes further south or north chasing the season. I'm planning for NaNo as well, working through the conflicts and foibles of the characters. Your WIP sounds interesting--I look forward to hearing more about it in the next month or so.
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I'm doing the DIY MFA challenge as well, Mike, although I'm getting slightly behind (already!) I just started watching Hell on Wheels, which given my interest, means it will certainly be a distraction. It sounds as though you're definitely doing writerly things, so I'll forgive you for the late check-ins! ;)
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2014 on ROW80-3 - 08/03 - More challenges at Raven's View
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Aug 4, 2014