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Quirky children's librarian
Interests: Kid's culture, health, arts & lit, fitness, play or any combination thereof
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The theme of this year’s Science Literacy Week (September 21 - 27) is "B is for Biodiversity." We're celebrating Canada, a country rich in biodiversity. Opportunities to learn about science and conservation are readily available to budding scientists. Photo by Clement127 on a CC license. If we were holding a... Continue reading
Some believe that birding is... for the birds! However, it's become a hot topic, encouraging even the most reluctant among us to reap the benefits of watching our featured friends. Photo by id-iom. Used on a CC License. Taking an interest in birds can branch help your child branch out!... Continue reading
Enjoyed your post, Danya.
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2020 on Family Day 2020 Fun! at New to Canada
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Wonderful post. I was also very affected by Anne Frank House. The message of her father really struck me too, specifically that Anne didn't show her family such inner thoughts as in her diary. He concluded that most parents really don't know their children at all, no matter how close they are. If you haven't read Hana's Suitcase by Karen Levine, I think that you would love it as well.
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Isn't it fun? Thanks for reading, Jessica.
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Two colourful parrots in friendly talk by Jan Fidler on a CC License I met a child on a noble quest to find every picture book in the library that he could sing. Assisting this young virtuoso along his journey, I saw many whimsical illustrations that animate the imaginary world... Continue reading
I love everything about this post, including the nifty bagel wrap. I'm a big fan of the reusable beeswax wraps too.
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This is la crème de la crème!
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How marvelous. I have some caterpillars that are finding my dill quite hospitable at the moment. It's fun to observe. And even though I'm super allergic to spiders, I continue to be fascinated by their webs.
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I'm glad that you enjoy. There are so many seductive STEM toys, but they don't need to compete with the great outdoors. I'm dreaming of the hot air balloon activities.
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STEM is one branch of Summer Wonder programming. There are many opportunities for kids to discover: Mini Makers, robotics, STEAMLabs and more. With all of the shiny robotics and new coding games available it can be a challenge to entice kids to go outside and get them in touch with... Continue reading
Good one, just ordered a whack of those suggestions.
Toggle Commented Jun 6, 2019 on Burnout at Health and Wellness Blog
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Ooo, very practical suggestions. I like it, Teresa!
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Thanks for your comment, Claire. The best part is thinking up quirky categories.
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Book bundles are groupings of titles on a particular topic or theme. Keep an eye out for these fun packs of staff recommendations on display at your local branch. We're creating bundles for a range of ages and interests. Continue reading
Miniature Food - Pretty in Pastel by Stéphanie Kilgast on a CC License March 14 may be the Day of Pi, but November 26 marks National Cake Day. Another turn around the sun, the 100th Day of Kindergarten, a colleague's retirement party. If these milestones have anything in common it's... Continue reading
A Madeline parody? Shut the front door!
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Excellent. There is a segment on oils in Qing Li's Forest Bathing book too:
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2018 on Aromatherapy at Health and Wellness Blog
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Schtroumpfs and Astérix all the way!
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Thanks, K. Tra la laaa
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Hold = placed. Thanks for a great recco. I had a teacher asking about screening Mad Hot Ballroom for her class. That's another film on my list:
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…and sing like nobody’s listening. It truly takes a child to master this adage with confidence and gusto. Summer Wonder sparks self-expression, so let’s foster the movement and music that intuitively comes to young people. Engaging in dance has many benefits such as spatial awareness and muscle building, but most... Continue reading
Thanks! Oh that is extremely clever - I'll certainly be using it. Really glad you shared, Amy.
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Thanks, Reagan. I love him too. The Children's Book Bank did a Mr. Men & Little Miss contest a few years back that caught my eye. The darling blog post was signed by a "Little Miss Reagan." Could it
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Decluttering and organizing is the subject of a lot of adult literature, including Marie Kondo's touchstone book. Tidy up time pervades a child's world too, from messy bedrooms to the kindergarten chanting that signals class cleanup. Photo Credit: Ursus Wehrli's The Art of Clean Up: Life Made Neat and Tidy... Continue reading