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Dace Campbell
Recent Activity
It's been 25 years this summer since I was first turned on to the idea of Virtual Reality (VR) as the "holy grail" of design visualization in architecture, thumbing through inspirational musings and essays published in magazines like Cadence and Cadalyst (yes, they were printed on real paper in 1991!).... Continue reading
Model Your Own Scope… It's long been a tenet of mine that 3D modeling in AEC (including BIM, and its cousin, VDC) should be authored by those traditionally responsible for the 2-D documentation it displaces. This is true, in spite of wide discrepancies of modeling skills by various contributors and... Continue reading
Owners, architects, and contractors alike all tout the advantages of collaboration in building projects. No doubt, collaboration has become an industry buzzword, and in the complexity of contemporary society, collaboration is a virtual necessity to successfully plan, design, build, and maintain our physical environment. But it takes more than lip... Continue reading
Many AEC industry professionals assume that BIM will evolve into a contractual deliverable with a right of reliance, in much the same way that today's traditional construction documents as drawings and specifications are binding contracts. We often assume that the benefits of relying on BIM as a contractual deliverable will... Continue reading
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May 29, 2014