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James Huntington
Los Angeles
UCLA Anderson MBA Student
Recent Activity
No problem!
Why Anderson? (Part 2)
This is somewhat of a continuation to my previous post. As an applicant/prospective student, I know how valuable it was in my decision making process to hear why people decided to attend a particular school. As a way to pay it forward, I decided to ask some recent graduates, current students, ...
Hey Taylor, thanks for reaching out! I would be happy to chat. Shoot me an email at james.huntington.2016[at]
Ready for the next two years
In the words of the late Christopher Wallace, “I’m going going, back back, to Cali Cali.” Ever since making the decision to attend Anderson a few months ago, I am pretty sure that song has been playing on repeat in my head. I am so excited to return to my home state and start my journey at And...
James Huntington is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 13, 2014
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