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Claudia Ginestet
Recent Activity
I would teach them to help me with everything needed in order to fullfill the orders and some quests... cause help is wanted badly... :-))
What a very nice and very true comment!!! :-))
I don't have any family farm house showing up (neither a picnic table) - does it mean I won't have it for the 26th???
ohh, that's a great idea and just what I so often thought!!! :-)) Also I would like to be able not to lose fertilizer or water, but to be able to stock them in my inventory...!!!! :-))
yep - the orders really are super hard to fullfill, make me sweat blood and water as they say in german - so I do agree as to be needing help with the crops, but not only, since I seem to be needing more wool, feathers etc than reasonable...
I do soo much agree! :-))
Claudia Ginestet is now following TypePad France
Jun 18, 2014