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Carmelita Cechetto-Shea
Recent Activity
Great Prizes from two great companies and a "wicked" magazine! And I mean wicked in a very good way. LOL! THANKS for 9 years of supporting creativity and inspiration in the paper crafting world. Looking forward to another 9+ years......
Happy 9th birthday celebration - Day ONE!
Hello SCT friends and welcome to day one of our 9th birthday celebration! If you have followed our blog for a while (or since 2008!) then you'll know we love to celebrate milestones, we love to celebrate our partners that help to make SCT magazine possible and we love to celebrate YOU. Today w...
Great duo.....Petaloo and Coredinations! Exciting "back to school" team
Welcome SANDI & Back to School with Coredinations!
Hi everyone...I beyond excited to be joining this amazing team. Before I share my first project, let me tell you a little bit about me. My name is Sandi Smith and I live in Newfoundland, Canada with my wonderful husband and 2 great kids, Rick is 22 and Claudine is 15.I started scrapping ...
Such awesome colors and designs. Love the vibrant possibilities! Such a playful collection and I know many will be inspired to soar into creativity with these! BRAVO MME!
New Collection Reveal | Market Street
SURPRISE!!! We have new collections to share with you! Seriously. We know it's April Fools and all...but this is no joke. We are so so SO excited to share Jen Allyson's incredible new collection with you today. Meet Market Street. Who better to describe Market Street than Jen herself. Here's wh...
Such brilliant colors and designs. Petaloo has outdone themselves again! The flowers make the layouts so fresh, feminine and eye catching! Bravo!
Layouts with Botanica and Marion Smith
Welcome to DAY SEVEN of our Blog Hop & Giveaway with Marion Smith designs! We are so excited to be featuring Marion's new Motley paper collection & Never Grow Up paper collections along with our NEW Spring Botanica flowers!! Would you like to win some of the Marion's paper or some of our new...
Carmelita Cechetto-Shea is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 25, 2014
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