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Charlene Lee
Recent Activity
What's On Your Pandemic Playlist?
In uncertain times, there’s always music to help us get through. Along with baking, cooking, and gardening, music has been a source of positivity for many. I’ve been able to safely isolate at home, and over the last couple of months I have played many songs on repeat. If you... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2020 at Arts & Culture
New and Noteworthy Picture Books - October 2018
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting the shelves soon. The Wall in the Middle of the Book by Jon Agee, 2018 Ages 4-8 It's a good thing there's... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2018 at Growing a Reader: Kids' Books, Tips and More
And the Grammy Goes To...
2016 was a great year for music as reflected in this year's Grammy Awards nominees. These are some of the artists that I'll be rooting for during the upcoming ceremony: Best Album A Sailor's Guide to the Earth, Sturgill Simpson I've never had an ear for country music; perhaps Simpson's... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2017 at Arts & Culture
David, thanks for your comment! Enjoy!
Best Albums of 2016
2016 was a great year for music. With more and more means of expressing themselves, musicians have never had so many different ways and platforms to release their work. That being said the art of the album is still a valued form, which is especially evident in all the great releases from this ye...
Best Albums of 2016
2016 was a great year for music. With more and more means of expressing themselves, musicians have never had so many different ways and platforms to release their work. That being said the art of the album is still a valued form, which is especially evident in all the great... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2016 at Arts & Culture
Note to self: don't listen to "The Drugs Don't Work" at work. I'd never heard the Leona Lewis cover, its gorgeous! I also must be getting some Fall allergies...
Songs for a Good Cry
Why do we cry? As infants we cry to communicate with our mothers and caregivers; we cry as a protective reflex; we cry in response to strong emotions. There's a slew of things that make me cry, including but not limited to music. We've all been there, a song starts to play that reminds you of yo...
D, thanks for the listening suggestions! I can only imagine how powerful Tanya Tagaq would be live.
Songs for a Good Cry
Why do we cry? As infants we cry to communicate with our mothers and caregivers; we cry as a protective reflex; we cry in response to strong emotions. There's a slew of things that make me cry, including but not limited to music. We've all been there, a song starts to play that reminds you of yo...
Thanks for the great listening suggestions! Is someone cutting onions here?
Songs for a Good Cry
Why do we cry? As infants we cry to communicate with our mothers and caregivers; we cry as a protective reflex; we cry in response to strong emotions. There's a slew of things that make me cry, including but not limited to music. We've all been there, a song starts to play that reminds you of yo...
Norgri, thanks for your comment! "New Favorite" is gorgeous! I agree it could be good or bad to listen to after a break-up, depending on if you're crying over your ex's photos or burning their effigy.
I definitely listened to "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" on repeat; 2005 was an emotional/angsty year for me. It is a beautiful song!
Songs for a Good Cry
Why do we cry? As infants we cry to communicate with our mothers and caregivers; we cry as a protective reflex; we cry in response to strong emotions. There's a slew of things that make me cry, including but not limited to music. We've all been there, a song starts to play that reminds you of yo...
Nina, thanks for your comment! Some tear-inducing suggestions for sure. Not sure what you mean be "stripped down", do you mean the production value or actual instrumentation?
I've never heard of Karkwa, but definitely want to check out more of their stuff!
Songs for a Good Cry
Why do we cry? As infants we cry to communicate with our mothers and caregivers; we cry as a protective reflex; we cry in response to strong emotions. There's a slew of things that make me cry, including but not limited to music. We've all been there, a song starts to play that reminds you of yo...
Songs for a Good Cry
Why do we cry? As infants we cry to communicate with our mothers and caregivers; we cry as a protective reflex; we cry in response to strong emotions. There's a slew of things that make me cry, including but not limited to music. We've all been there, a song starts... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2016 at Arts & Culture
Toronto Music Festivals -- What You Missed and Still to Come
With summer well underway, this also means the start of this year's music festival season! With some major festivals already behind us, there is still lots of great music to look forward to in the coming months. Toronto Public Library can be your one stop shop for preparing for the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2016 at Arts & Culture
Happy 100th Birthday, Beverly Cleary!
Photo courtesy of Terry Smith/The Life Images Collection/Getty It’s hard to believe that Beverly Cleary turns 100 today given the continuing popularity of her books, of which millions of copies have been sold. Although the world was a different place when some of her most famous characters were brought to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2016 at Growing a Reader: Kids' Books, Tips and More
RIP Starman
2016 began with some devastating news for music fans worldwide – the death of David Bowie. The legendary artist passed away on January 10 at the age of 69, after a long battle with cancer. With a musical career that spanned nearly five decades, Bowie was an innovative visionary. With... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2016 at Arts & Culture
Reading Resolutions
With 2015 quickly coming to an end, it's that time of year when we make semi-meaningless commitments of self-improvement and good intentions. Personally, I embarked on what is now a decade-long pledge to become a gym rat (maybe 2016 will be the year!). While aspiring to your personal best is... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2015 at Growing a Reader: Kids' Books, Tips and More
Human Rights Day
On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration was founded on the values of freedom, justice, and peace for all. Human Rights Day (December 10) annually commemorates this significant document and is a reminder of the injustices around the world... Continue reading
Posted Dec 10, 2015 at Growing a Reader: Kids' Books, Tips and More
Read to Your Baby!
This past October 5th marked the 21st annual World Teacher’s Day. This significant day commemorates teachers and the essential roles they play in empowering youth and creating sustainable, equitable societies. While teachers deserve all the recognition in the world, this is also a good opportunity to celebrate a child’s first... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2015 at Growing a Reader: Kids' Books, Tips and More
Summer Mixtape
As August quickly passes us by, I still find myself in disbelief that summer is nearly at its end. The encroachment of September means a few things; for some, it's a scramble to get ready for school; for me it's an onslaught of nostalgia. One remedy during this sentimental time... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2015 at Arts & Culture
Hi Ashley, thanks for your comment! There's so much going on during the Games! I'll probably see you at some events :)
July 10 will mark the start of the Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games. As thousands of athletes descend upon Toronto, so will thousands of artists. Bringing their A-game in music, dance, theatre, comedy, fashion, and the visual arts, this kaleidoscope of creativity is aptly called PANAMANIA....
July 10 will mark the start of the Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games. As thousands of athletes descend upon Toronto, so will thousands of artists. Bringing their A-game in music, dance, theatre, comedy, fashion, and the visual arts, this kaleidoscope of creativity is aptly called PANAMANIA. Presented by CIBC,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2015 at Arts & Culture
Music and Literacy
May 1-10 marks the 33rd annual Canadian Music Week (CMW). With ten nights of performances, conferences, film and comedy festivals, and over one thousand participating bands, it is one of the largest music conventions worldwide. Although CMW focuses on the business of music and innovations in music making, it's a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2015 at Growing a Reader: Kids' Books, Tips and More
Thanks for your comment! We're lucky to have a thriving music scene in Toronto.
Music Festival Season in Toronto
Thinking of checking out one of Toronto's upcoming music festivals? With our current and impending weather forecast, it feels almost futile to start planning summer activities. But if summer doesn't seem as elusive as some may think, you might already be browsing what Toronto's music festival sc...
Thanks for your response! If I could, I would attend all of these festivals!
Music Festival Season in Toronto
Thinking of checking out one of Toronto's upcoming music festivals? With our current and impending weather forecast, it feels almost futile to start planning summer activities. But if summer doesn't seem as elusive as some may think, you might already be browsing what Toronto's music festival sc...
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Aug 15, 2014
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