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Brian Zahnd
Recent Activity
Hey, Dan!
Thanks for the kind words.
In the picture I'm on the Chiefshead/Pagoda couloir. It gets real steep at the top.
My youngest son, Philip, who's the real mountaineer. He took the picture. This summer he climbed the Diamond on Longs. (Real mountaineer!)
Keep on Rockin' in the Free World!
Why I don't own a gun - Brian Zahnd
Why I Don’t Own A Gun by Brian Zahnd I don’t own a gun. I never have. Why? First of all I don’t hunt. I have nothing against hunting. (After all, I’m not a vegetarian.) I don’t hunt like I don’t golf—it’s just something I never took up. So I don’t own a shotgun or a hunting rifle for the same...
Brian Zahnd is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 3, 2014
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