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Recent Activity
OH!!! My dear friends, thank you so much for your kind and warm words about my card and tutorial!!! You made my day!!! I'm so happy!!! I'm really so glad that it will be useful for you! :) Big hugs! Wish you a wonderful weekend!
Autumn inspiration with Olga
Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this new autumn day :) And here with you again Olga Kovalchuk to share with you my autumn inspiration. I hope you will like my new creation and I also hope that my tutorial will be interesting and inspiring for you. I love nature very much and I always fin...
Autumn inspiration with Olga
Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this new autumn day :) And here with you again Olga Kovalchuk to share with you my autumn inspiration. I hope you will like my new creation and I also hope that my tutorial will be interesting and inspiring for you. I love... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2014 at Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft
Amazing!!! I love this cool creations!
Come Meet October's Guest Designer!
Nastya Istorkina is a wonderful young artist from Ukraine. She caught our eye the very first time we saw her work! She's cutting edge with her fun, artsy designs, and so talented with color and composition! Today we want you to meet her and see a bit of her work that she has created just for ...
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