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What's so great about parents and kids reading, writing and learning together? Families who have fun reading and learning together develop important skills, grow closer together and value lifelong learning. While you don't need to wait for a special holiday to celebrate, Family Literacy Day is January 27th, so come... Continue reading
Fall leaves and apples by Catkin via Pixabay Autumn is such a beautiful season, isn't it? It's also a terrific time to appreciate the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts that are all around us. Not convinced? Well, the leaves on the trees that are changing colour and falling... Continue reading
Your friend is lucky to have you, Katherine McG!
1 reply
The lonely Uncorker fishing for bottles in the sea. Each month I share my favourite new books for 6 – 12 year-olds that have both kid AND parent appeal. I hope you enjoy them, too! The Uncorker of Ocean Bottles By Michelle Cuevas Ages 6 – 8 This gentle story... Continue reading
Love this post! My daughter especially enjoys "The Monster at the End of this Book," a classic 'do-not-open' from when I was a kid!
1 reply
Inspector Flytrap Awaits His Next Mystery... Each month I share my favourite new books for 6 – 12 year-olds that have both kid AND parent appeal. I hope you enjoy them, too! Inspector Flytrap By Tom Angleberger Ages 7 - 10 The first in a series, Inspector Flytrap is the... Continue reading
Each month I share my favourite new books for 6 – 12 year-olds that have both kid AND parent appeal. I hope you enjoy them, too! Save Me a Seat By Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan Ages 8 – 10 Framed around the school cafeteria menu (Monday: Chicken Fingers), this... Continue reading
Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you there.
1 reply
Witches, wizards and muggles alike are invited to fly, floo or apparate to Midnight Magic at Toronto Reference Library on July 30th to await the release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two. Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John... Continue reading
If you know a kid who loves to read graphic novels, funny books or tales of dragons and magic, then they'll love these three, new, fold-out booklists, designed just for them! To complement the Great Reads for Kids Family Resource, these lists feature recent titles for kids ages 6 -... Continue reading
Created by Katie Walker using Lego, and inspired by the art of Walter Wick. Each month I share my favourite new books for 6 – 12 year-olds that have both kid AND parent appeal. I hope you enjoy them, too! Big Book of Search-and-Find Fun By Walter Wick Ages 6... Continue reading
Cupcakes on the attack in Cakes in Space Each month I share my favourite new books for 6 – 12 year-olds that have both kid AND parent appeal. I hope you enjoy them, too! March Break is just around the corner, and if you’re the parent of a school-aged kid... Continue reading
Thanks for sharing this wonderful opportunity, Sarah!
1 reply
"Too Much Noise" presented at Locke Puppetry has been popular for centuries as art and entertainment, and this is still true today. Case in point: Kermit the Frog remains famous, even though he’s been around since 1955, and the story of Pinocchio, the little wooden puppet with a penchant for... Continue reading
I love "The Snowy Day"!
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Woo hoo! Glad to help! :)
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I just started reading Cakes in Space - I'm loving it so far!
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Flea makes off with a tasty morsel in "The Story of Diva and Flea" Each month I share my favourite new books for 6 – 12 year-olds that have both kid AND parent appeal. I hope you enjoy them, too! Urgency Emergency! Humpty’s Fall By Dosh Archer Ages 6 –... Continue reading
What a great suggestion... who doesn't love the Pigeon?
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Happy Family Literacy Day! There are so many fun ways to celebrate the joy of reading and literacy today (and all year long!) at home, on the go, and at the library. Tonight, my family is planning on reading some Elephant & Piggie stories and playing a couple of rounds... Continue reading
Sorry! But isn't it better to know (and look up the next time you're wandering in a treed area) than be surprised?
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I'm really looking forward to this one!
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Each month I share my favourite new books for 6 – 12 year-olds that have both kid AND parent appeal. I hope you enjoy them, too! Willy’s Stories By Anthony Browne Ages 6 – 9 Willy the chimpanzee invites readers young and old to enter the library and join him... Continue reading
Each month I share my favourite new books for 6 – 12 year-olds that have both kid AND parent appeal. I hope you enjoy them, too! Elephant Journey: The True Story of Three Zoo Elephants and their Rescue from Captivity By Rob Laidlaw Ages 6 – 9 This picture book... Continue reading