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Vincent Figalora
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On Thursday June 19, 2014, NTV Uganda aired images of their President Yoweri Musveni taking a snooze in a national debate. This national debate took place in Parliament. According to The Guardian: "Government spokesman Ofwono Opondo confirmed that NTV Uganda would be punished over the catnap claim, accusing it of a "lack of professionalism and biased coverage"." This statement by Ofwono Opondo got NTV banned for covering any presidential events. This ban was only for a month. Also NTV wasn't informed by the AFP about this sanction. Now in July of 2014, this ban has been lifted. According to Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2015 at Global Media News
Since 1950, Television in Brazil is becoming one of the largest and most productive commercial television systems in this world. Brazil is also very popular in sports. Soccer is still one of the most popular sport in Brazil. Last year, Brazil hosted the biggest soccer tournament in history. The FIFA World Cup was held in Rio, Brazil. This popular event featured all star soccer athletes that represented for their country. Brazil and The United States were one of the 36 countries that participated in this event. Esporte Interactivo is an Interactive Sports Channel that gave the Brazilians updates on how... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2015 at Global Media News
By the year of 2018 Analog Television will be turned off in Brazil. Genildo Lins, The Electronic Communications Secretary of Minicom is making a huge transition in Television for the country of Brazil. This transition will change from Analog Television to Digital Television. "In 2016, when the country will host the Summer Olympic Games, the main state and regional capitals will make the switch, including in Brasilia (on April 3rd), Sao Paulo (May 15th), Belo Horizonte (June 26th), Goiania (August 28th) and Rio de Janeiro (November 27th)." Said by Michael Grotticelli from TV When the transition begins in 2016,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2015 at Global Media News
Lunar New Year Gala, was an annual show that was aired on February 18 of this year. This show was aired on China Central Television Network. This show was watched by over 690 million people. During the show, there was a comedy skit that was mocking overweight unmarried women. This comedy skit led Chinese Activists to sign a petition to cancel the annual Lunar New Year Gala. Unfortunately the petition was blocked and stopped by the Chinese Government. China's , media is the largest market in the world. For Television, it is available for 418million households. China Central Television (CCTV)... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2015 at Global Media News
In December of 2014, European Leaders were creating a new Russian Language Television Channel that was aimed at the Russian Propaganda. Television is the main news source in Russian Media. Most of the Russians rely on this news source for important weather, and politic updates. Russian TV still dominates Russia today by having channels that run by the Government. Ben Smith from BuzzFeed News states, "The proposal being discussed, he said, is “to invest jointly in alternative sources of information — not alternative propaganda sources, but an alternative normal European TV channel, with entertainment, with news," This new Language Channel... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2015 at Global Media News
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Jan 22, 2015