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Sue Lovegren
Recent Activity
Have you ever seen a sale on something that you didn't need but the item kept begging you to have a second look? "C'mon!Buy me" and If you DIDN'T buy it you would have a need for it the very next day?? That very thing happened to me a couple of days ago. Golden Raisins were on a clearance at the HEB. I gave in to the tug and bought them.
So imagine my thrill when I read the latest update to the Saltie's currant pickle thread?
It's going to happen. Thank you, Luisa! And Caroline :)
Saltie's Currant Pickle
Sometimes you just want a chicken salad sandwich. So you buy a plump little chicken and you boil it up with the usual trio of carrots and celery and onion. You add some peppercorns (which you end up skimming off with the muddy scum a few minutes later) and an old bay leaf from your grandfather...
I've got the same problem as Sirena. I have never in my life had a fresh currant - none seen or sold down here in San Benito,(deep South)Texas. How about substituting with fresh raspberries? You would get the same beautiful color.
GREAT POST, LUISA. Your writing has a way of making me think I can't live without this one recipe you're so masterfully telling us about!
Saltie's Currant Pickle
Sometimes you just want a chicken salad sandwich. So you buy a plump little chicken and you boil it up with the usual trio of carrots and celery and onion. You add some peppercorns (which you end up skimming off with the muddy scum a few minutes later) and an old bay leaf from your grandfather...
Sue Lovegren is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 10, 2015
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