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Hey Marty, great job on the KF5 version and thanks for all your hard work! Working flawlessly for me going off the latest git on plasma 5 for the past few weeks - however one question/issue, since transitioning I can go to "Online Accounts" in the System settings and there it (should) show accounts however my AIM account is not listed even though it successfully logs on and is usable? That may be related to AIM not being listed when trying to add new accounts either (as I was going to try to re-add it), main question - is AIM no longer supported under KTP or is that a KAccounts thing?
KDE Telepathy joins KDE Applications release bundle as fully ported to Plasma 5
In the past couple months I've been busy porting KDE Telepathy project over to Qt5 and KDE Frameworks 5. I'm happy to announce that the ports have been completed and after about a month of testing, KDE Telepathy was moved to join the KDE Application releases with the nearest release being the 15...
Craig is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 10, 2015
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