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Susan Anderson
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Wonderful review of Wilderness RV. We are in preparation stages of fulltiming. We still have our S&R in Lake County, preparing it for the market. We currently have one of those private rental lots in Town Park, way in the back and we absolutely love it at Wilderness RV. Sunday morning as I sat outside with my coffee I watched a bald eagle dining on a fish in a tree over behind the Preserve Estates section. Yes it can be noisy up front from the traffic on Hwy 40, but trust me you hear the bikes in the back as well, but it is relatively quiet at night. We have been weekenders at Wilderness since 2009 and this year we bit the bullet when we had the opportunity at a private rental for the entire summer, our weekend getaway! Oh and by the way the bbq place just a mile up the road on Hwy 40 is fabulous. Safe travels.
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Mar 16, 2015