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Kathy Wallace
Recent Activity
Mineralized - so gorgeous, and such depth!
Yarn Review and Giveaway~ Great Lakes Tweed
Giveaway now closed~ winner will be announced midweek! Hello there, happy Sunday! If you remember one of my goals for 2017 was to try and introduce you all to more indie dyers. I am happy to say I have a great line up at the ready. Are you ready to meet our first amazing indie dyer, Rachel of...
What a perfect way to start the new year!
Mindful Clutter Clearing {a soulemama sponsor}
Greetings from Mindful Clutter Clearing e-course! The Mindful Clutter Clearing e-course is a four-week online journey to a more spacious, peaceful, and intentional home. Timed to take advantage of that new year momentum (class starts January 15), so you can jumpstart your whole-house declutt...
So many gorgeous patterns in this book! I think I'd start with the Snowbowl Hoodie.
Free Spirit Knits Review and Giveaway...
Hello there my favorite people! Happy Sunday to you. © Joe Hancock/Interweave Press Look what I have for you. A new book from one of my favorite dyer and designer, Anne Podlesak. You may or may not be aware that I test knit on occasion. While it may sound odd, I am a bit picky about who I ...
Gorgeous shop! I've been wanting to make the switch to a reusable towel roll, and hers look absolutely perfect!
Anne Riggs Designs {a soulemama sponsor}
Greetings from Anne Riggs Designs! Anne Riggs Designs is a small business based in Portland, Maine. In my home sewing studio, I design and create beautiful reusable products that will help you and your family lead a more sustainable lifestyle. I want to make it easy to replace one-use item...
Such cute shoes, and they look so comfortable! I'm thinking they'd be great with all of my hand knit socks. :-)
Aurora Shoe Company {a soulemama sponsor}
Greetings from Aurora Shoe Company! The Aurora Shoe Company was founded on the idea that a good pair of shoes should be made well and fit comfortably. We use American made materials and create all of our shoes in house and by hand. Assembled organically, using simple cuts of leather and mi...
Kathy Wallace is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 17, 2015
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