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Public Health Wahine
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Aloha Chelsea: I understand capitalization of nouns followed by numerals. What is the APA format for a numeral followed by a noun? Specifically for this journal article title - does one capitalize update (the word after the year/numeral 2014)? Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of skin and soft tissue infections: 2014 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America Many thanks, Kimberley (Public Health Wahine)
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Mahalo nui loa Chelsea, Is there a page or section in the 6th edition for this? With aloha and gratitude, ~Kimberley
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Aloha, How would I cite the website ? Another way to ask this question type of question: when a number is the title, where or how to alphabetize the reference? Does one consider the numeral 1 as though it were spelled out? Or do titles which are numbers go in numerical order? If so, before the letter A? Mahalo nui loa, Kimberley
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Aloha, How would I cite sexual assault statutes in my paper and reference list? Sexual Assault in the first degree. Hawai`i Stat., Div. 5, Title 37, Part V. 707-730 (1986). And the others "in the second degree", "third degree", "fourth degree" ? In alphabetical order, or in chronological order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, degree? Mahalo.
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Mar 25, 2015