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Public Health Wahine
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Aloha Chelsea:
I understand capitalization of nouns followed by numerals. What is the APA format for a numeral followed by a noun? Specifically for this journal article title - does one capitalize update (the word after the year/numeral 2014)?
Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of skin and soft tissue infections: 2014 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Many thanks, Kimberley (Public Health Wahine)
Title Case and Sentence Case Capitalization in APA Style
by Chelsea Lee APA Style has two capitalization methods that are used in different contexts throughout a paper: title case and sentence case (see Publication Manual section 4.15). APA’s title case refers to a capitalization style in which most words are capitalized, and sentence case refers to ...
Mahalo nui loa Chelsea,
Is there a page or section in the 6th edition for this?
With aloha and gratitude,
Alphabetization in APA Style
by Chelsea Lee Alphabetization—did you know there was anything more than A, B, C? (Surprise! There is, or this post would be really short.) Although we all learned our alphabet a long time ago, when you're writing a research paper your references can and do come from authors around the world...
How would I cite the website ?
Another way to ask this question type of question: when a number is the title, where or how to alphabetize the reference? Does one consider the numeral 1 as though it were spelled out? Or do titles which are numbers go in numerical order? If so, before the letter A?
Mahalo nui loa,
Alphabetization in APA Style
by Chelsea Lee Alphabetization—did you know there was anything more than A, B, C? (Surprise! There is, or this post would be really short.) Although we all learned our alphabet a long time ago, when you're writing a research paper your references can and do come from authors around the world...
How would I cite sexual assault statutes in my paper and reference list? Sexual Assault in the first degree. Hawai`i Stat., Div. 5, Title 37, Part V. 707-730 (1986). And the others "in the second degree", "third degree", "fourth degree" ? In alphabetical order, or in chronological order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, degree? Mahalo.
Citing Treaties and Other International Agreements
by APA Style Staff A treaty is a formal arrangement regarding relationships and standards for behavior among sovereign states and international organizations. The parties may have called it a treaty, a pact, a convention, an understanding, a protocol, or an agreement—but at its heart, a treaty ...
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Mar 25, 2015
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