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Dani Morgan
Recent Activity
Terri- I'd never heard of Caravan Palace before, but if you like them try out Parov Stelar also. They remind me a lot of him. Catgroove is one of my faves.
Tunes for a Sunday Morning
This week's tunes are going up a day early in honor of my music-loving, tap-dancing husband's birthday: foot-taping tunes from France, Germany, England, Greece, and America. ♥ Above, the fabulous French electro-swing band Caravan Palace perform "Rock It For Me" live at Le Trianon in Paris. Be...
Terri- I've followed your blog for years; I discovered you back in 2011 while I was studying abroad in Wales. I come here often for soul food.
Actually, what I do is read the news for about 15 minutes and then come running to your blog to heal my mind from the world's brutality. Your words nourish and sustain me.
Art, the marketplace, and narrative loss
Ever since reading Sara Maitland's lovely book Gossip From the Forest, I've been haunted by a passage in which she reflects on the ways that fairy tales have been diminished not only by the loss of the ancient wild-wood which was their natural habitat, but also by the loss of the oral storyte...
Dani Morgan is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 27, 2015
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