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Nina Martin
Nina is a serial hobbyist. She spends 70% of her day thinking about what she’s going to eat. The remaining 30% is divided between her other passions; cooking, crossfit, cycling, renovating her 1930s home, wedding planning, traveling, fishing, and entering recipe contests. She’s been to 43 countries, loves fashion but hates dressing up, and is a secret NASCAR fan.
Interests: cooking, crossfit, cycling, home-renovation, fashion, travel, fishing, NASCAR
Recent Activity
The Best Kept Secret of Dallas BBQ
"The Trough" -- the holy grail of meat platters -- includes bacon, fried chicken, fried okra, ribs, sausage, brisket, and pulled pork. If you live in Dallas, and don’t prescribe to a vegetarian diet, then you’ve heard of Pecan Lodge. Even if you are a vegetarian, if any restaurant were to make you change your mind, it would be this... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2015 at Locally Yours : Amazon's Local Blog
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Mar 27, 2015
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