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Angela Shore
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Should Citations be included in the abstract. I can't find an answer in the manual.
Brevity Is the Soul of Lingerie (and Abstracts)
by Anne Breitenbach Coming back at long last to my promised series on abstracts, let’s begin with the first clause of the Publication Manual description in section 2.04: “An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article.” Our focus in this post is the “brief” part of...
my conundrum carries over into the phrase "technology-based", as it's not listed in the dictionary...
Hyphenation Station: Using Compound Adjectives
by Claire Merenda Most of us know what an adjective is. And many of us might remember learning about compound words, too. But what is a compound adjective? Compound adjectives are two or more connected words acting as one modifier (e.g., client-centered or all-inclusive). These words work toget...
What about the words time-frame? or is it time frame?
Hyphenation Station: Using Compound Adjectives
by Claire Merenda Most of us know what an adjective is. And many of us might remember learning about compound words, too. But what is a compound adjective? Compound adjectives are two or more connected words acting as one modifier (e.g., client-centered or all-inclusive). These words work toget...
Should citations be listed mid sentence?
The decision to comply with CSPs is influenced by several factors that include leadership (Eisenbeiß & Brodbeck, 2014), opportunity (Hinduja & Kooi, 2013), and organizational culture (Mosier & Fischer, 2010; Parsons et al., 2015)
Or simply all at the end of the sentence?
Writing In-Text Citations in APA Style
by Chelsea Lee When you use others' ideas in your paper, you should credit them with an in-text citation. Several different systems of citation are in use in various academic communities (such as footnotes and endnotes), but APA Style uses a kind of parenthetical referencing called the author–...
Do abstracts need to include reference citations?
Making a Concrete Abstract
by Anne Breitenbach The Publication Manual (2.04) states that “A well-prepared abstract can be the most important single paragraph in an article.” Indeed, it would be hard to overstate the abstract’s importance if you want to publish and actually have your work read and cited. Your article ...
Can U.S. be used in place of United States? Or should the proper name, United States of America, or USA or U.S.A. be used? Can locations be abbreviated?
How Do You Spell IQ? Abbreviations as Words in APA Style
by Timothy McAdoo In a recent guest post, Dr. Anthony Onwuegbuzie and colleagues (Onwuegbuzie, Combs, Slate, & Frels, 2010) presented a list of common APA Style errors. “Failure to spell out abbreviations and acronyms as needed” is eighth on the list. So, what does “as needed” mean? Shouldn’t ...
When trying to cite a quotation, where page numbers are not available, is it required to count paragraphs if they are not numbered to use in the citation? The manual says that you "could" count them, but many works, especially online sources can be rather long and the quote could be coming from paragraph #250ish...I might have miss counted...
Can you clarify for me please?
How to Cite Direct Quotations
by Timothy McAdoo One of our goals for this blog is to convey that following the guidelines of APA Style need not restrict your flexibility as a writer. Because of space limitations, many style points illustrated in the APA Publication Manual show only one or two examples. We’re happy that the ...
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Mar 30, 2015
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