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Angela Shore
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Should Citations be included in the abstract. I can't find an answer in the manual.
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my conundrum carries over into the phrase "technology-based", as it's not listed in the dictionary...
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What about the words time-frame? or is it time frame?
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Should citations be listed mid sentence? Example: The decision to comply with CSPs is influenced by several factors that include leadership (Eisenbeiß & Brodbeck, 2014), opportunity (Hinduja & Kooi, 2013), and organizational culture (Mosier & Fischer, 2010; Parsons et al., 2015) Or simply all at the end of the sentence?
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Do abstracts need to include reference citations?
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Can U.S. be used in place of United States? Or should the proper name, United States of America, or USA or U.S.A. be used? Can locations be abbreviated?
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When trying to cite a quotation, where page numbers are not available, is it required to count paragraphs if they are not numbered to use in the citation? The manual says that you "could" count them, but many works, especially online sources can be rather long and the quote could be coming from paragraph #250ish...I might have miss counted... Can you clarify for me please? Thanks
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Angela Shore is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 30, 2015