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Sarah Shields
Omaha, Ne
special education teacher
Interests: being outdoors, reading
Recent Activity
It still surprises me today that the littlest changes make the most difference in the confidence of our students. Our school currently uses guided reading levels from A to Z and I hate when I see teachers label their groups based on where the students are currently reading at. Even the youngest students pay attention to "grades" and "levels" of their peers and use that to find their standings in the class. Often times, I see the lowest students fall into the typical role of being low and not seeing what they can achieve because of the label that is given to them.
Changing our thinking of how we approach our students when they are making the smallest steps in the right direction may make the difference in them having the confidence to persevere or pushing them to just give up.
Yes, shifting our mindset as educators WILL change how our students find success.
Teaching with our goals in mind
As our kindergarten team was leaving a meeting the other day the reading specialist added one more comment, “Let’s change how we are talking about our reading groups,” she suggested, “ Instead of referring to our groups as the reading level they are currently reading, let’s call them by the goal...
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Mar 30, 2015
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