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Eric Lester
Recent Activity
Some very long-distance IT guesswork: If your laptop is relatively new, running Windows 10(?), and extremely slow to start up, it may be trying to update. Windows updates can be a problem. Go into Settings, Update and Security (or similar label) and check the status of updates. You may need to allow them to download, restart the computer, it could take a while, especially if your connection is slow (relatively).
You may need to restart more than once. The machine may be backlogged with updates, and the process could take a while. But, with some patience, you may be able to get your machine running well again.
Or, it could be something else...
Good luck! I enjoy your blog.
They hopped the fence: how our ideas (and our chickens) take off
"Writing is for the birds!" Photo taken here in La Ciotat this morning, when things were peaceful.... Today's Word: les guillemets : quotation mark I set out to tell you a story about fugitive hens (no worries, they're back) when every possible distraction known to man or bird befell me. Wel...
Eric Lester is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 1, 2015
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