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Clive Hoskin
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First goal of bureaucracy: self-preservation
Translated, it means inserting yourself into people's lives so you become unsackable.
In practice, that means tying yourself and your department to new tax or regulatory imposition(s), that governments will be unwilling or unable to dump without major political damage.
These guys know where their bread is buttered...
A few hours after Minister Michael Keenan says no anti-terror change - Turnbull says Homeland Security Office on the cards
Someone's told Turnbull that security and fighting terrorists is an area where the LNP has traditionally been ahead of Labor. So every chance he and his acolytes get they say something about it. Apparently it doesn't matter what they say - as this slipshod insight shows. Only 10 hours ago Sky Ne...
And just WHO caused all of this mayhem?Why it was those"Lying,Do nothing,Career Politicians"of course!They told us we had to go"Multi-Culti"and had to "Diversify."Now that the country is stuffed,they can collect their fat"Pension"and get in line for a FAT UN job,with lots of armed guards to keep THEM safe.
A few hours after Minister Michael Keenan says no anti-terror change - Turnbull says Homeland Security Office on the cards
Someone's told Turnbull that security and fighting terrorists is an area where the LNP has traditionally been ahead of Labor. So every chance he and his acolytes get they say something about it. Apparently it doesn't matter what they say - as this slipshod insight shows. Only 10 hours ago Sky Ne...
Liz,it's another"Nothing Burger"The impeachment only got"ONE"pollie interested in it.It's on a hiding to nowhere.
Compare & contrast Clinton's clandestine Communist China communications with Trump's Russian rendezvous
Why aren't the same standards placed on the Democrats. Look what Hillary Clinton may have gotten away with. Disgraceful! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2017 Never have the different standards in news reporting been clearer. If it's about Clinton/the Left and it's bad - it's not...
Speedbump.Never let it be said that Muslimes have any respect for themselves,or anyone else for that matter.
Muslim kids wag school for end of Ramadan, miss school photo so they sue the school. And win.
(imagine telling your primary school teacher he'd made a mistake he'd live to regret by organising the photographer for a day you wanted off. "That'll be $10,000 please Sir, for my pain and suffering".) A court in The Netherlands has found that Maria Montessori school in Wateringse Veld, Den...
Why are these people still allowed to roam th country?Lock them up.
Charles Ortel with the latest on the Clinton Foundation - the largest unprosecuted charity fraud in history
According to international law, the Jewish people are the sole beneficiary of Self-Determination in the land that was Mandatory Palestine i.e.the land west of the Jordan River, including Judea and Samaria. .
The rights of the Jewish People to Palestine are enshrined in three legally binding international treaties. These rights have not expired and are still in full force and effect.
All rights emanating from the three international treaties were approved by the League of Nations and inherited by the United Nations. They did not expire. The United Nations had no right to vary them.
She of the"Long Knives"is nothing more than a UN stooge.
Plain-speaking Julie Bishop on whether Israel's West Bank settlements are illegal
I asked Foreign Minister @JulieBishopMP if Australia believes Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal. — Latika M Bourke (@latikambourke) February 23, 2017
Ever since Mohammed first rode out of the sands of Arabia more than 1,400 years ago, Islam has been a creed of the sword - and warfare has followed Muslims wherever they go. There can only be "peace" when all persons on earth "submit" to the one true faith, and all of the world lies within Dar al-Islam. Until that day comes, Muslims will continue to go forth into Dar al-Harb, bringing the fire and blood of jihad with them.
Any nation which knowingly admits large numbers of Muslims into the midst of its own people is literally playing with fire. These "refugees" are nothing of the kind; they are settlers, colonists and conquerors - no more, no less. They (Muslims) are not here to assimilate to us; they are here to assimilate us to them.
So,why are people so surprised at their behaviour?
Keysar Trad on "last resort" bashing for the most feminist of all religions
Muslim freak show.
Another"Star"pick,by President Trump.
Compare and contrast @julie#celebrity#*bishop with President Trump's Nikki Haley, what a star!
What an absolute star on her first day in the job. What a star!!!! Now compare and contrast Nikki Haley with the former head of the UN Security Council Julie Bishop. Yes, the woman who was in charge while this disgraceful behaviour on the part of the Security Council was developing. The woman w...
If his brains were dynamite,he couldn't blow his nose.
Bill Shorten has ANFI
I notice that"She"of the long knives did the"Cowardly"thing and covered up.I'm afraid that the Liberal party is going the same way as the"DoDo"bird.I will never vote for them again.
Marine le Pen shows Islamist suckhole Julie Bishop how it's done
‘Won’t cover myself up:’ Le Pen refuses headscarf, cancels on Lebanese Grand Mufti Published time: 21 Feb, 2017 09:53Edited time: 21 Feb, 2017 09:57 Get short URL Marine Le Pen © Panoramic / Reuters 4.1K346 French right-wing presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has refused to wear...
You do realise that it was"Tony Abbott"and the Liberal party who had Pauline Hanson thrown in jail because "She"was a threat to the 2 party,(not much preferred)and needed to be silenced?So,your OK with that?
Orator without a cause. Chairman Mal gives Shorten the blast he was due 18 months ago
UPDATE A still from the video below - lip read for yourself - about 1.10 in. Inner city vs western city Labor — Mark Di Stefano🐀 (@MarkDiStef) February 8, 2017 It's a pathetic sight. Here is a man capable of this sort of blast - but incapable of knowing when and how t...
Ok,you"Femanists"Why arent you marching in the streets to stop this"Barbarity?"Trump never,ever did anything,remotely like what is happening to these Women.Get off your"A$$es"and stop this.
On taking Saudi Arabia seriously in Australia
On 7 December 2016 Saudi Arabia's ambassador met with Christopher Pyne MP - here's a screen shot from the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs website for its Royal Embassy in Australia. Chris Pyne has responsibility for defence industries in his portfolio, but he's not the defence minister. Mari...
If her brains were dynamite,she couldn't blow her nose.
Video - Shadow AG Mark Dreyfus QC wilfully breaks law he's sworn to uphold
It doesn't get much clearer. Thanks to Bill Thompson for the video. And as many readers have pointed out - this bloke has form. Don't you know who I am? By the time the plane landed, Qantas had withdrawn its complaint. Thursday, 02 May 2013 I have had so many notes from outraged readers on ...
Lincoln - "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."You should have heeded the warnings you were given before.
Michael Kroger - why people "so dislike" celebrity activists - confirms US SS after Madonna
Well done Eternal Optimist.That just about sums Trump up.MAGA
Michael Kroger - why people "so dislike" celebrity activists - confirms US SS after Madonna
And have you ever noticed,that the"Femanazi's"spend a lot of their time trying to look like men?
Michael Kroger - why people "so dislike" celebrity activists - confirms US SS after Madonna
Albert Einstein quote: “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.”
For Democrats "pondering" how to harness anti-Trump sentiment - click here
BYRON TAU Updated Jan. 22, 2017 4:56 p.m. ET 305 COMMENTS WASHINGTON—One day after protesters denouncing President Donald Trump flooded city streets around the U.S., Democrats faced the prospect of turning the freewheeling day of protest into sustained popular opposition to the new president’s...
If"Dodgy Dan the CFMEU Man's"brains were dynamite,he couldn't blow his nose.
Video, voter to Dan Andrews - "You chicken-shit turd of a man, safe with security detail"
And she has been found to be CORRECT.I heard the recording of the"Moron"yelling out Alluha Akba,before twitter removed it.I wonder whos side these people are on?Obviously the"Crims"side.
Witness says Melbourne driver yelling 'Allah uh-Akhbar' while ploughing into people
From the offenders Facebook page. My apologies for the quality of this video - this is a saved copy from my desktop after the original video (published by Melbourne's Herald Sun newspaper crime reporter Andrea Hamblin) was removed apparently by her. I publish it here not to prove the truth of...
He doesn't like Trump,which just goes to show,he is like the Liberals,just a closet"Leftard" - President Trump hasn't wasted any time
Climate change gone. All traces of Obama/UN/luvvies gone. In their place these are his top issues. America First Energy Plan America First Foreign Policy Bringing Back Jobs And Growth Making Our Military Strong Again Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community Trade Deals Working For Al...
"JFK put a man on the moon, Obama put a man in the little girls room"
The sexualisation of little girls
Malcolm Turnbull has dropped his two bob's worth into the Hijab/Niqab/Burka merry-go-round. "We don't see a lot of burkhas in Australia, let's face it*." I think he meant to add "not where I live anyway". Slip out to Lakemba Mal. The Muslim habit of wrapping up women so men don't want to rape ...
Q, What are the ugliest words in the English language? Leftism & feminism.
Guaranteed to soften any man's pride quicker than any cold spoon.
5 minutes on the economics and temperature reduction from the Paris climate agreement
It's not that complex. 5 minutes should see you reasonably well acquainted with the logic. Understanding the psychos who signed up will take a hell of a lot longer than that. Exhibit One. Exhibit Two And just to remind you what a piece of work each of them is - here's our story from N...
"JFK put a man on the moon, Obama put a man in the little girls room"
Justice Thomas Clarence to deliver VP oath of office using Reagan family bible
There are a few really terrific messages in this press release from the Trump inauguration website. This is Justice Clarence Thomas. You may see he is black. And a Supreme Court Justice. A Christian. A man of letters. Former Ronald Reagan staffer. Capable by the powers vested in his offi...
Muso,well done.If he only does 10% of what he has planned,America will be"Great Again"
Democracy is comin' to the USA. Muso of WA with the details.
Muso this is one of your greatest works. Hear that sound? It's the voice of the people.
Fauxfacts - the only lavatory paper where all the crap comes pre-loaded!
Fairfax, before pontificating on free media you should apologise to Bob Kernohan
It's more than a little galling to see Fairfax's AFR editorialising today about the importance of a free press. Fairfax is yet to apologise to Bob Kernohan for refusing to broadcast his interview about the AWU Scandal. As I told The Australian at the time "This country's pretty screwed up if de...
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