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Adrian Saimor
Recent Activity
Hi, I am a shareholder in a local business group focusing on timber production using sawmills. That was the whole part of the plan.
There is a high competition in the local market. Income earned could not match the operational expenses due to falling prices.
To export our own quality local timbers is the best solution. We do have an export license recently, but the problem is the market. We do not have any connections with the foreign timber buyers.
Could anyone help me on where to start to at least bring this small local group out to the foreign markets?
Why not a village-based timber export business
JOHN FOWKE THIS PIECE OUTLINES BRIEFLY a concept which I believe Papua New Guinea villagers would discuss avidly and which might produce a worthwhile process of evolution in the timber industry. George Leahy who owns and controls the sawmill at Baimuru (it’s been there since 1924) buys logs fr...
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Apr 14, 2015
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