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Regarding the detection of HR level while running. I'm now using a Basis Peak watch and it has more powerful LEDs and more advanced sensors for "seeing" the blood flow than their previous watch. They say this was necessary to get reliable readings while running, etc. In terms of sensor quality, do you think you have similar hardware, or will you try to achieve this via using better algorithms? Basis' LEDs are extremely powerful, they hurt my eyes, literately... (when accidentally glancing in them) They say it is necessary to avoid too much noise while moving your hand.
The Spring Is Here!
The spring is upon us and it's the best time to get a healthy dose of optimism from Mother Nature... Since our last update, we rushed through three silicone injection iterations: T3, T4 and T5. There's been a dramatic improvement in the mould. We're now experimenting with various silicone pigmen...
Thomas is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 21, 2015
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